Node Operator Staking Guide

Stake a validator with only 4 ETH

Written by Stakehouse
Updated over a week ago

IMPORTANT NOTE: Node Operator Staking requires you to set up and run a special computer called a node. If you would like to just stake multiple validators, see the Batch Staking Guide. Node running is not a service provided by Stakehouse. You will need to set up your own node or get at a third-party service. Here is Ethereum’s guide to setting up a node.


Node Operator Staking is designed to provide node operators with an easy, permissionless, and trustless way to source liquidity and stake an Ethereum validator with only 4 ETH.

In return for depositing their 4 ETH bond, node operators retain full ownership of their validator and receive 50% of the MEV & Tips revenue that it generates, paid out in ETH.

How to Stake as a Node Operator

Step 1: Connect your wallet

Navigate to the LSD Networks dApp and connect your wallet.

Step 2: Begin the deposit process

Select the “Deposit” tab at the top of the page and click the “Deposit” button under the Node Operator section on the right.

Step 3: Register your validator key file

Register your validator by uploading its key deposit file (deposit_data.json file). It is recommended that you use Wagyu Keygen to generate your validator keys. When doing this, make sure to set the Account Manager address for the withdrawal credential (refer to steps 1-8 in this article to learn how to do this properly).

Mainnet Account Manager Address: 0xDd6E67942a9566A70446f7400a21240C5f71377C

Testnet Account Manager Address: 0x952295078a226bf40c8cb076c16e0e7229f77b28

IMPORTANT NOTE: Node Operator Staking requires you to set up and run a special computer called a node. Node running is not a service provided by Stakehouse. You will need to set up your own node or get at a third-party service. Here is Ethereum’s guide to setting up a node.

Step 4: Select an LSD Network and deposit 4 ETH

Use the drop-down menu to select which LSD network you want to stake your validator into and then click “Deposit”.

When completed successfully, you will be prompted with a success confirmation pop-up which will give you the option to view the transaction on Etherscan.

Step 5: Stake your validator

Once you successfully deposit 4 ETH, you must pair it with 28 ETH liquidity sourced from the Protected and MEV Staking giant pools.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You may have to wait if there isn’t enough available liquidity.

Navigate to the “My Validators” tab on the “Manage Page”. If there is available liquidity, you will see a green button next to your validator that says “Ready to stake”. Click this button.

Follow the instructions to stake 24 ETH from the Protected Staking pool and 4 ETH from the MEV Staking pool. Then upload your Keystore file and enter its password.

Once you’ve successfully done this, approve the transaction.

Step 6: Set your LSD Network Fee Recipient Address

Each LSD Network has a unique fee recipient address. Setting the fee recipient address allows for the proper distribution of rewards to all stakers in the LSD Network.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you complete this step properly or else you may lose ETH or your validator.

To find your LSD Network’s fee recipient address, navigate to the “Manage” page and click on the “My Validators” tab. From here, click on the gray arrow on the right side of your LSD Network’s ticker.

This will redirect you to Etherscan. From here, copy the address on the top-left side of the page and set it as the fee recipient address on your node’s UI.

NOTE: Each LSD Network has its own fee recipient address.

Step 7: Mint your derivative tokens

Once your validator is staked, you will be able to mint its derivative tokens. You can do this by clicking the “Minting Available” button on the “My Validators” tab.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your validator has experienced any leakage, it will not be eligible to mint derivatives. If this happens, you will need to use the Stakehouse SDK to top it up.

Once you have minted your derivatives, you will begin accruing rewards on the LSD Network’s dApp.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will not be able to stake new validators until the derivatives for all of your current validators have been minted.

Check out this article to learn how to manage your validators and staked positions in the LSD Networks dApp.

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