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How do I write a formula in the Standard Metrics Add-in for Excel?
How do I write a formula in the Standard Metrics Add-in for Excel?

Querying data from Standard Metrics in Excel

Ethan Finkel avatar
Written by Ethan Finkel
Updated over a week ago

SM.GET() Formula

Users can query metrics by inputting the Standard Metrics Excel Formula.

=SM.GET("subject", "metric", "time_period", "date", "currency", "budget")

Check out this Loom from our Product Team for a video walkthrough of how to write a query:

Formula Breakdown



This is the subject of your query. For metrics data, the subject will be a company. For investment data, the subject can either be a company or a fund.


Companies can be queried with their Name, ID, or Slug. i.e “Airchair”, “1234”, or “Airchair-123”



This is the metric pertaining to the subject you are querying.


Any metric in the Metric Library is supported. This means all custom metrics + all standard metrics.

  • Standard Metrics Names

    'Assets', 'Cash In Bank', 'Cost of Goods Sold', 'EBITDA', 'Equity', 'Gross Margin', 'Gross Profit', 'Headcount', 'Liabilities', 'Net Assets', 'Net Burn', 'Net Income', 'Net Operating Profit', 'Net Other Income', 'Net Profit', 'Revenue', 'Runway', 'Total Operating Expenses'

Time Period

Supported time periods are “Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly”


Dates can either be formatted as a reference to an excel date or as a string formatted “YYYY-MM-DD”

Users can also query by Fiscal quarter using the syntax Q# FY####. For example, Q3 FY2023 would pull data for quarter 3 in fiscal year 2023.



Optional parameter to convert the returned value to the specified currency. If no currency is specified the value will be returned in the local currency of the value.


All currencies supported by our platform are supported in queries. You must use the 3 letter abbreviation to specify a currency like USD, GBP, or EUR



Companies on Standard Metrics can have multiple budgets. In this parameter, you can specify which budget you are looking to pull data for.


You can use the name or ID of a budget to reference it. If a company has a budget named "2022 Forecast" that you want to query in Excel. You can specify "2022 Forecast" for the budget parameter.

Here's an example pulling Forecasted 2022 Revenue for the company Airchair.

=SM.GET("Airchair", "Revenue", "yearly", "2022-12-31", "USD"," 2022 Forecast")

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