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Cloud Print Setup
Cloud Print Setup
Nick Chapleau avatar
Written by Nick Chapleau
Updated over a year ago

If you have a network attached printer, you can configure the ability to print receipts via the dashboard from any device.

This requires using one of our three CloudPRNT supported printers from Star Micronics:

  • TSP654II CLOUDPRNT for receipt printing

  • SP742 CLOUDPRNT garment tag printer.

  • TSP743II CLOUDPRNT for sticky labels

1. Connect the printer to the router using an Ethernet cord

2. Hold down the button on the front of the printer AND turn the printer on

3. The printer will first print out printer information, then up to 30 seconds later it will print out the printer's IP address

4. Go to your computer's browser and navigate to that IP address by entering it into the URL bar. For instance, if the IP is, enter

5. Make a note of the MAC address shown at the top of the screen as this will be needed in step 9

6. Log in with username: 'root' and password: 'public'

7. Go to the CloudPRNT section and turn on CloudPRNT

8. Where it asks for a URL/webhook enter: and then save this change.

9. Set the "polling interval" value to 1 second

10. Go to Starchup dashboard, Setup > Settings > Printing, and make a printer with the MAC address from step 5 (Note: If setting a ticket/receipt printer up you'll want to enter two records, one as a ticket printer, and one as a receipt printer.)

11. Click on the save printer settings and refresh your browser.

12. From the home page -> workstation settings -> ticket or tag drop down as appropriate from for the printer you are setting up -> select the new printer name you've just set up.

If you are using a wired connection for the printer, you are all set at this point. If however you are going to be using a wireless dongle, then the wireless connection will need to be configured.

To configure the the printer to use your wireless network:

1) Connect the wireless dongle to the printer, and restart the printer

2) Navigate back to the printer configuration web page at the IP address from the printed information you'd visited earlier.

3) Select the Wireless Connection option from the left hand side view

4) Select the "Site Survey" button.

5) Select your wireless network from the list and specify any necessary connection details. These would be the same details you'd need to connect a laptop to the wireless network

6) Save the changes and restart the printer.

Note, once the printers have been setup, on each workstation you'll want to go to the home/getting started page and click into workstation settings. From there you'll want to select the newly configured printers rather than the dashboard print option to ensure that the workstation uses the new printer rather than continuing to open things in a new tab.

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