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Edit Order Detail / Inventory
Edit Order Detail / Inventory
Nick Chapleau avatar
Written by Nick Chapleau
Updated over 2 years ago

You can edit and orders detail / inventory at any time after it has been detailed and until the order has been marked as Ready.

To edit the inventory form the Order Modal:

  1. Find and click the order on the orders page and make sure that the order you want to detail has not yet been marked as Ready for Delivery (see Order Process for more information).

    1. If it has, you can move the order back to Processing.

    2. If the order has already been paid for, you will need to refund it, revert the transaction, and re-charge the order after updating the items.

  2. On the order modal click on the Items tab.

  3. Click Edit Items.

  4. Find the services you want to edit and either enter the quantity manually or click the + button to increase the quantity by one.

  5. When you have completed editing the order detail, click Save.

To edit the inventory form the Order Detail Page:

  1. Go to the order detail page.

  2. Make sure that the order you want to detail has not yet been made as Ready.

    1. If it has, you can move the order back to Processing.

    2. If the order has already been paid for, you will need to refund it, revert the transaction, and re-charge the order after updating the items.

  3. To update the item quantity, change the quantity next to each item. Change the quantity to 0 will delete the item.

  4. To edit the item's detail, click the item to view the edit page and save the new detail.

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