Starchup offers 6 different types of reports: Orders, Customers, Coupons, Drivers, Routes, and Transactions:
Orders Report: This report details information about individual orders such as order amounts, fees, dates, and customer information.
Customers Report: This report details per customer information such as total revenue, orders, customer data, first and last order dates, and referral information.
Coupons Report: This report details information about your promotions such as amounts, redemption numbers, and usage.
Drivers Report: This report details information about your drivers such as contact information, activity dates, orders information, and miles driven.
Routes Report: This report details information about individual routes such as number of stops, number of skips, revenue, and miles driven.
Transaction Report: This report is transaction specific, detailing all transactions - orders, refunds, etc. - processed by the platform.ย
The Reports page enables you to filter many of the available reports so you can quickly get to the information that you need.