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Pricing Cleaning Preferences
Pricing Cleaning Preferences

Preferences can be priced by matching them with upcharges to automatically charge the customer

Nick Chapleau avatar
Written by Nick Chapleau
Updated over 2 years ago

First, add the preferences by going to setup -> services -> preferences view. The titles and options used here will display to the customer in the customer app.

The best practice here is to add things in such a way that they could later match up to an upcharge. So this means a general term for the preference name and specific values for the options. It's best to avoid values of yes or no. Preferences are also category specific and so a "Commercial AirBNB" pref would not apply to items in the wash and fold category.

So for example, if say you offer one scent option and its floral, rather than setting up a pref named "floral" with a value of yes/no, set up a pref name "Scent" with one option being "Floral".

Then, from the services page you can add upcharges to the items or the entire category that match the name of the preference option exactly. In the case above, you would add an upcharge named "Floral" and price it accordingly.

ID: 45932300015223

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