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Saved and Tracked Reports
Updated over 10 months ago

Saved Reports

You can save any set of search criteria as a saved report. Once you have entered your desired search filters (student demographics, program, GPA, courses planned, etc.), click on the "save as report" button underneath the number of students header for your query results. You can then name your saved search to access quickly from within your saved reports section of your student search page. This saves your search parameters to create a one-click search. This means that the next time you'd like to perform that search, you can click on your Saved Report instead of repeating the filtering process.

After saving a search, you’ll see it in the main Student tab under ‘Saved Reports’

You can always rename, edit, or delete the saved search by clicking into the Saved Report.

Automated & Manual Report Types

Stellic supports both Automated and Manual types of Saved reports.

An Automated type of Saved Report is dynamic. The list of students who match the Saved Report will fluctuate as data from your institution updates in Stellic.

A Manual type of Saved Report is static. This allows you to create a snapshot of students frozen in time that you want to refer back to in the future. It is also possible to modify a Manual type of Saved Report by editing it to add students to the existing Saved Report.

Add New Report

The Add New Report button allows you create an empty shell for a Manual type of Saved Report, to which you can add students.

Alerts on Tracked and Saved Reports

If you would like to see dynamic information about a Saved Report, you can set it as a Tracked Saved Report by selecting Track Changes. You can currently track up to thirty (30) reports. A Tracked Saved Report allows you to see new students who match the search criteria, students who have been removed from matching search criteria, and the current total matching list of students. You can then choose to enable in-app notifications and emails about those changes. (See Settings for details.)

To create a report with tracked changes, follow the same steps as above. Filter your students by the desired fields, and then save the report. You can then select the option to track changes to the report.

By clicking on a tracked report, you can view the specific students that have changed since the last time you logged into the platform. You can view students that have been newly added to the search results, newly removed from search results, or simply view all students that currently meet the search criteria.


Auto-Notifying Students

In addition to you receiving notifications when students match your report criteria, you also have the option of notifying students with a customized message when they match the criteria of your Tracked Saved Report. To enable this option, save or edit your report using the steps listed above to enable tracked changes. You can then enable the additional option of notifying students.

Once you've selected the option to notify students, you'll be prompted to enter a message. This message will be sent to all students who match the report criteria. The message will send to students as a 1:1 message between you and the student.

A note about timing: This option will send your customized message to all students who meet the report criteria in the future. In other words if you want to send an automated message to all students who have a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0, asking them to schedule an advising meeting, you would take two steps:

  1. Set the Notify Students feature to automatically send a message to all students who match the criteria of this Tracked Saved Report starting tomorrow.

  2. Then send a message yourself (by sending a bulk message) to all students who currently have a GPA below a 2.0 as of today.

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