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Take a Screenshot of the Developer Console
Take a Screenshot of the Developer Console

Take a screenshot of your developer console for our dev team to analyze any potential errors.

Updated over a week ago

Steps for getting a screenshot of the developer console:

  1. Navigate to the page you're having issues with.

  2. Right-click the page and choose Inspect.

  3. Refresh the page.

  4. Expand the pop-up.

  5. Choose Console (2nd tab from the left)

  6. Take screenshot

  7. Send to or attach to support conversation.

Right-click & choose Inspect

On the page you're experiencing the issue, right-click and choose Inspect.

The developer console will pop up at the bottom of the screen.

Refresh the Page

For good measure, refresh the page. Once the page refreshes, notice the tabs at the top of the pop-up.

Click Console, second from the left.

Expand the pop-up to be as large as possible.

Take a Screenshot

Take a screenshot using the snipping tool (or any other screenshot tool) on your Windows computer. (Click here if you need to learn how to take a screenshot.)

Send Us Your Screenshot

Last, send your screenshot to as an email attachment or, if you're already chatting with us from the support messenger, attach your screenshot to the support conversation.

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