You must upload a profile picture in order to use Stint.
A friendly and professional profile picture is essential for building trust with our Business Partners. They'll see it when you join a Team or accept a Stint, and check it to make sure the correct person has arrived at their Stint.
Here's what makes a winning profile picture 🌟
You and only you: The picture must only include you - group shots are not allowed.
Clear face: Make sure your face is well-lit and free from shadows or obstructions so it is easy to see. Smile naturally so you look friendly and approachable.
Keep filters for snapchat: Don’t use filters - our Partners want to see the real you!
Ditch the shades and hats: Avoid sunglasses, hats and other accessories that hide your face.
While your profile picture should be clear and professional, it doesn't have to be as formal as a passport photo. Think of a student ID - a friendly smile and a relaxed pose go a long way in making a positive first impression.
Need some inspiration? Here are some examples: