1. Navigate to the Orders module
2. Locate the order in question
3. Click on the "View Distribution" text at the very bottom of the page (in the distribution section, next to notes)
4. Click the blue text labeled "Distribution Locations" at the top of the screen
5. If there are already locations added to this page, skip to #_
6. Click either "Add Existing Location" or "Add New Location" depending on what you need
7. In the pop-up that appears, either type in the new location details, or select an existing location from the drop down
8. Repeat step 7 as many times as necessary
9. Click on the location to which you'd like to distribute goods
10. Click on each of the products that must be distributed, or click "Select All"
11. All of the products that you clicked are listed at the bottom of the page
12. Click on each product, and type in a distribution quantity
13. Repeat steps 9-12 as many times as necessary
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