User Profile
To edit basic information such as your name, number, email address or to update your photo click User Profile. You can also find this link at the top right arrow next to your company name.
Company Profile
To edit your company information go to Settings tab and click on Company Profile. Or you can access your company profile at the top right arrow on Home page next to your company name. Here, you will be able to edit your company logo, address, local tax rate, and sync to quickbooks.
Under the sub-tab “Company Detail” you can add your company capabilities, workflow, shift information et cetera.
Add your color logo to print out PDF Order Acknowledgements or a black and white logo for box cartons labels and shipping docs.
Company Detail
Input the types of machines your shop uses.
Allowance Days refers to how long you require the the system to allow for each stage of production. You will see these results when you choose the card in the schedule board and click <> Completion Schedule.
Payment Terms
Add your specific payment terms for each client.
User Management
Under the “User Management” tab you will be able to add or remove employees. To add a new employee, click “Add New” on the right hand side. You will be able add their personal information, specify role and make their account active or inactive.
Click the “3 dots” (Edit tab) under Action next to the employee’s name. You can edit their information, reset or delete passwords or login as a user. This allows you to have full control and supervision over your employees’ activities.
Price Grid
The price is grid is completely dynamic and editable for all charges and add ons.
Shipping charge should be set to zero. This feature has been disabled by default.
Increase price by % or an amount.
Time means how long a job takes to complete. This will come into play for job costing and time allowances.
Price grids are currently unable to be deleted. The reason for this is that past orders would potentially be affected if a grid is deleted.
Garment markup is a % that is added to the average cost to calculate a sell price.
You can download/upload price grids to/from Excel.
This charge list is standard across all price grids.
Charge List
These charges are completely customizable.
Check Position Box if you would like this charge to appear in the Position (Location) Tab when adding a position to a design.
Check Packing Charge if you would like this fee to appear in packing information.
Check One Time charge if this will be a One time fee.
Check Finishing if you would like this task to appear in the Finishing queue.
Machine Settings
Add machines that are in your shop. Run rate is impressions per hour.
Labor settings
Add shifts that will be used in Scheduling Application.
Box settings
Box settings are used for the UPS API. Input boxes used for packing garments.
Screen Print Primary
This is where you will define your printing matrix. Low range is the lowest quantity number you will print. High range is the highest number. Then add the pricing per color.
Screen Print Secondary
Is defined as adding more than one location print.
The embroidery price grid works the same way as the screen print. The low and high range quantities and the columns are for stitch count. Example: 1,000 - 9,999. Make sure to not add the same stitch count in more than one column.
Direct to garment
This grid works similar to screen and embroidery.
Garment Markup
Add a percentage markup to the garment above your cost. Example: if the average garment cost is $2.00 add a 70% markup = $3.40.
If your shop uses Twill, use this price grid to establish a pricing matrix.
Heat seal numbers
If your shop uses heat seal numbers, use this price grid to establish a pricing matrix.
If your shop prints Numbers, use this price grid to establish a pricing matrix.
Machine Settings
Add machine names that are in your shop. Run Rate is impressions per hour (IMP).
Labor settings
Add shifts that will be used in the scheduling application.
Box settings
Box settings are used for the the shipping API's, such as UPS and FedEx. Input box dimensions used for packing and shipping.
Field manager
This module improves the capability of Stokkup software. If you want to change any of the cells or names simply click, edit and then Save.
Under each of these sub-tabs, you will be able to check/uncheck what is pertinent to your business:
Address Type
Approval/Order Sequence
Art Filter
Art Ink
Boxing Type
Charge Apply
Color Group
Direct to Garment
Graphic Size
Placement Type
PO Status
PO Type
Production Filter
Production On Press
Production Paid
Production Shipped
Production Sub Type
Production Type
Purchasing Filter
Shipping Filter
Shipping Method
Size Group
Staff Type
Symbol Description
Time Off Type
You can add Affiliates by clicking Add New under the the Affiliates Tab. Affiliates (outsourced vendor partners) are other decorators that you send your overflow orders to. Simply allocate the garments and decoration and send a pdf purchase order. You can create price grids for each Affiliate according to your negotiated price.
Simply log into your quickbooks online account with username and password.
Username is your S&S account number.
API key you can retrieve from this url.
API password is the API key.
Test mode should say NO if you want it live.
Authorize Information
API url
API username
API login
API Password
API transaction key
API secret key
Test Mode
Open this link to register for UPS account (if you do not have one).
After registration, open the following link: and click “Request An Access Key.”
On the opened page enter your contact and account information and select the Request Access Key to continue.
Log in to and click the Manage tab in the top navigation bar, then select Update My Profile and Account Management. Update your profile with additional FedEx customer numbers that you'd like to add to your account. You will receive an email confirmation when your account has been updated.
Visit FedEx Web Services Page --> Select FedEx Web Services --> Move to Production --> Get Production Key
Note down the Production Key and Meter Number displayed. Production Account Number can be found at My Profile --> Account Management Important note: You can only make rates request before FedEx Web Services certification process
Check your email associated to your FedEx account. You should receive an email with title Your developer Production Key Registration is complete, in which you can find the Production Password
Go through FedEx Web Services certification process so that you can print FedEx shipping labels in Production.
You can generate the testing labels using your Sandbox credentials at Postmen.
You will also be able to add multiple shipping addresses under the Integrations Tab.
Under the Vendor Tab, you can click Add New on the top right side to add basic information for a new vendor. You can also use the search box to search for existing vendors and the “3 dots” (Edit Tab) under Action to edit, remove, or add a point of contact.
Vendors are classified as a company that you purchase raw or finished goods from. Custom products require to come from a vendor for Reporting and Purchase Order purposes.
Click Add New to add a new sale. You can use the search box to search for existing sales and the “3 dots” for other action items such as editing existing sales.
S&S Approval
Under S&S Approval you can view approved, pending and declined orders. Under the Pending Orders tab you can change the status of the order by clicking the drop down arrow. You can also use the search box to search orders at any time. The approval module was built as a second authentication before sending an electronic API direct order to S&S. No need to order by phone or S&S website!
Custom Product
Upload CSV, download products and create custom products here! Click on Existing Products to see a description of products as well.
You can create any type or kind of product from any vendor and add price and colors.
Email Template
The Email Template module allows the Admin to create a custom message for emails that will be sent through Stokkup. Send a thank you note or a request for artwork approval. Customize your communications!
Production Screen
Machine settings
Add machine name
Add the time (in minutes) for how long it takes to setup per color
Run Rate % should be set to 100%. This will allow you to see how efficient you are running your jobs vs 100% efficiency. You maybe at 80% or 125%. Either way this will help you manage your production better.
Add color or headcount
Max screen width
Max screen height
Impressions Per Hour (IPH)
You are able to customize the IPH as you add additional colors.
The Factor is the speed at which you run the machine as quantities increase or decrease.
Shift settings
Add your shifts. Shift hours should include lunch break and/or any other breaks given in one shift. Also select days of the week you are running jobs i.e. M-F.
Production Embroidery
Machine settings
Add machine name or make
Add the time (in minutes) for how long it takes to setup per
stitches per minute
Production Finishing
Machine settings
Machine name
Pieces per hour
Machine type