Uploading and deleting a logo from within the "Company Info" tab of a specific Client page is a very straightforward process.
1. Click on the action menu in the top right corner of the box.
2. You will see two options: "Change Logo" and "Remove Logo"
3. Click "Change Logo" if you wish to upload a new logo, or "Remove Logo" if you wish to delete it from the client's page.
4. If you clicked "Change Logo", a pop-up box will appear with the option to "Upload", and to "Save".
5. Clicking "Upload" will prompt you to select a file from your computer. Click "Save" at the bottom of the pop-up if you are satisfied with your selection.
6. Clicking "Remove" on stop 2 will prompt you with "Are you sure you want to delete this record?" Click "Yes" or "No" depending on your intended outcome.