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How to Schedule an Order
Oscar Flores avatar
Written by Oscar Flores
Updated over 6 years ago

This should be done in two steps. First, you must check the availability of your presses by navigating to the Schedule Board. Next you must physically schedule the order in question by returning to the Production Queue. Please consider the steps below.


Check the schedule:
1. Navigate to the Production Queue module

2. Locate the grey button at the top of the page labeled "Schedule Board"

3. View the % capacity at the top of each press. Take note of which presses are able to host more orders for the given shift

4. Return to the Production Queue by clicking the "Production Queue" menu button on the left-hand side. Alternatively, you can click the "back" button in your browser


Schedule the order:

1. Navigate to the order(s) in question through use of the search bar, or by scrolling

2. Click on the calendar icon on the far right-hand side of the specific position you'd like to schedule

3. Configure this scheduled order however you'd like, by utilizing:

- the calendar to pick a date

- the shift picker

- the machine picker

- the run rate (100% is typical)

- the "rush job" indicator

4. Click "schedule"


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