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How to Use the Schedule Board / Production Queue
Oscar Flores avatar
Written by Oscar Flores
Updated over 6 years ago

Understanding the Schedule Board

In Production Queue, you will see all orders in list form. Every job has a flow management status indicator on three key departments: 1) Screens approved and burned; 2) Goods arrived and checked; 3) Ink made for printing.

In this Queue you will also be able to:

Filter by date, location and client

Export data into excel

Schedule jobs to a press & shift

View thumbnail of logo

View screen sets

View garment info and quantity


Step 1

Best practice for scheduling is to filter by date. This will help you organize and prioritize the jobs by shipping dates and whether the garments, art, screens and ink are ready for the job to be printed.

Once you filter by date you’re able to see the order status and safely schedule the job knowing that the garments are checked-in, art is approved and ink is ready.


Step 2

Once you have a job that you are ready to schedule, click the “thumbnail” image to view the art.

Click the “eyeball” icon to see screensets, image size, garment, press assignment, shift, run rate and even add notes.

Click the calendar icon to schedule the date, shift and press.


Step 3

Click the calendar icon and then schedule Run Date, Shift, Machine and Run Rate.

Set the run Rate to 100%. You may need to decrease the percentage based on the print location. For example, if 100% is full speed and i'm running sleeves I may lower the percent to 60 to adjust for the difficulty of the job. So adjust as needed. But always default to 100%. This should be used by the scheduler or production manager to adjust run rates based on ease or difficulty of the job.

Also, when scheduling the job, you have the option to check RUSH (if a rush job) which will then put a red border around the job card on the schedule board.


Step 4

The SCHEDULE BOARD is where all the jobs reside with an overall view of the production schedule. This is a very dynamic tool and the printing team at each station should have this screen displayed.

This board will allow you to see Press Capacity based on shifts and total machine use. You can choose to view by day, week or even by press.

Once in the board you’re able to drag and drop jobs to different machines, shifts or days. You can mark jobs complete - sending a notice to shipping department for them to prepare to pack and ship.


Move a job to a different press on the Schedule Board

To move a job to another machine or shift, on the same date, simply click and drag that job card to the desired shift or press.


Move a job to another day using the Schedule Board

To move a job to a future date simply click open the job card, click the Edit button. You will see the schedule postion card. You then can reschedule a later date, press or shift.


Step 5

Click a job card for Press Setup, Notes, Client Information, Completion Schedule, Photo Approval, Garment and Design ID. This is also where you mark jobs complete or reschedule to a later date if need be.


Production Shift Setup (Excerpt from another article)

Start with setting up a Shift

Add the shift name or number ( 1st , 2nd, 3rd)

Add the shift hours (these can be adjusted if you move to mandatory 12’s or 10’s)

Add the days of the shift (Mon -Fri)


Setting up a Press

Add the following for setting up your press:

Name (press 1 or name the machine of your choice)

Set up time: 6 min per screen is industry standard. (but you can adjust for your abilities)

Run Rate: the run rate will automatically populate based on the following parameters: order size, colors and setup time.

Factor: is the percentage of the Run Rate based on the quantity of the job. 1= 100%. .5 = 50% Run Rate.

IPH: Impressions Per Hour is calculated using the above factors based off the initial setup of the press. Setup your max IPH in the press settings. The IPH will change based on how many colors the press has. A one color job will run faster than a 14 color. Stokkup uses best practices to generate an average for calculating this formula.

Stokkup has been working with some of the top shops across the country and after years of collecting data, we have pulled averages and preloaded them in these settings. This should be a great goal for your production team. These figures can be changed by editing the fields in the press setup. This will help you adjust based on your efficiencies.


Formulas and Definitions

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