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Export a copy of a child's profile
Export a copy of a child's profile
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Written by Support
Updated over 3 months ago

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What is an export?

If you need a digital copy of a child's profile to be saved outside of Storypark, the profile can be exported. You might export a copy of a child's profile if:

  • You need all of the child's records for compliance

  • You'd like to download all of the child's stories in one go

  • Your child is finishing up at a service or you've decided to close your account

  • Your service has decided to close their account

You can request an export of a child's profile at any time. This means it can be done whilst a child's profile is active at a service on Storypark, or even after they have left a service and had their profile archived.

Note: Requesting an export of a child's profile is exclusive of archiving. This means exporting does not change the state of the profile. If the profile is active, it will remain active. If the profile is archived it will remain archived.

Both admin educators and a child's family admins can request exports. These are sent via email to the email address of the person logged into Storypark at the time of the request.

What does an export of a child's profile contain?

An export of a child's profile typically contains a combination of the following files:

  • A .html file of all the child's child notes

  • A .html file of all the child's stories

  • A seperate folder of .jpg images that have been used in the child's stories and notes

  • A .csv file of the child's routine records

  • A .csv file of the child's attendance records

  • A .csv file of the child's incident reporting records

Note: The files are dependant on the content that has been recorded for the child. For example, if no incident reports have been recorded for the child, then there won't be a incident reporting records file included in the export.

.html files are versatile. They allow you to view the stories and notes in any web browser even if you have closed your Storypark account and can be viewed offline. If preferred, these can also be saved as .PDF files and/or printed if a hard copy is required.

💡 An export is a quick way to download all the photos in one go. The separate folder of .jpg images downloaded as part of the export will contain all images from their stories and notes in one place, which will save you downloading each photo one by one.​

Admin educators: How to export a child's profile

Exports can be requested from the Storypark website from a computer or laptop.

From the website, go to a child's profile page and click Edit next to their name:

You'll see the Export portfolio option on the right-hand side:

Click the Export portfolio button and you will be sent an email with a download link in it. (If the child's profile has a lot of stories it may take some time for the email to come through to you).

After clicking the link from the email, downloading starts automatically but you also have the option to download manually:

Once downloaded, depending on your operating system you may need to extract the files. (If the files you downloaded were opened but not extracted, then you may not be able to see the stories in their entirety.)

Extracting the files from an exported profile

Locate the downloads folder:

Find the file in your downloads folder, right-click on it and select 'Extract All':

When it loads the extracted folder will appear as a normal folder on your computer:

Simply open this and double click 'Stories_html' or 'Notes_html' to view.

If you are using an older version of Windows

1. Go to

2. Find the Download link. Download the .exe file

3. Once the file has finished downloading, right-click the file and unzip.

4. On your computer, create a folder for your child's stories and put the unzipped file into it.

5. Open your newly created folder, right-click on the file, select '7-zip' from the drop-down options, and then 'Extract Here' from the second drop-down.

6. You should see a new folder.

7. Double-click to open the folder and you should see a folder called 'Files' and two files called 'stories_index.html' and 'notes_index.html'.

8. You can now move these files wherever you wish, but you should always keep these three items together in the same folder.

9. To view your child's stories, simply double-click 'stories_index.html'.

Admin family: How to export a child's profile

Exports can be requested from the Storypark website via a computer or laptop.

From the website, go to your child's profile page and click Edit next to their name:

Note: Only Admin family members have access to edit any aspect of a child's profile. If you cannot see the 'edit' option you may be connected to the child's profile as a non-admin family member.

You'll see the Export portfolio option on the right-hand side:

Click the Export portfolio button and you will be sent an email with a download link in it. (If the child's profile has a lot of stories it may take some time for the email to come through to you).

After clicking the link from the email, downloading starts automatically but you also have the option to download manually:

Once downloaded, depending on your operating system you may need to extract the files. (If the files you downloaded were opened but not extracted, then you may not be able to see the stories in their entirety.)

Export FAQs

How long does it take to receive an export?
A. The time it takes to receive an exported profile depends on the size of the files. A child profile that has a lot of stories and notes will take longer to process and send.
If you have not received an export within 24 hours of your request, you'll want to ensure that your email provider isn't marking these emails as spam (which can happen with emails that contain download links) and that you've added '' to your safe sender list.

What happens regarding exports when a child's profile is deleted?
A. If a child's profile is deleted, all Admin educators at their service will be sent an email including a link to export the child's profile before it is deleted from Storypark completely within seven days.

Can you export a child's profile from a mobile device?
A. No, profiles can only be exported via the Storypark website on a laptop or computer. If you only have access to a mobile device, please contact the customer support team for help.

The export only contains images - where are the stories in their entirety?

A. Some operating systems will extract the downloaded files from the exported profile on your behalf.

Where this doesn't happen, skipping the extraction step will result in only partial access to the files contained in the export. Follow the steps to extract the files contained in the export to ensure you have access to all the files contained in the export including stories in their entirety with all the story content and responses.

I get the following error when clicking on the export link in the email:

A. This can happen when the link has expired. The link in export emails is valid for 60 days - this means you need to download the export from the email within two months. If it has expired, delete the initial email and then login to Storypark to request a new export.

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