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Your community space
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Written by Support
Updated over 6 months ago

In this guide, learn about:

From the website, you can find your service's community space by tapping on the Community tab:

Unlike stories and notes which are associated with each child, the community space is a place that everyone in your Storypark community can view and contribute to. This is a great place to share what's happening at your service and to get parents involved. You can share via a Community post, or an Announcement.

Who is in my community?

Your community is made up of all the educators and family Admins (usually parents/guardians) associated with your service's account.

Because this area is often used to share daily updates with parents about what’s happening at your early learning service, it is not visible to non-admin extended family members, ie. family that parents have invited and haven’t made an Admin.

You can see who is in each community space on the right-hand side of the page:

Community posts

A community post is a message to a community. Any posts you make in this space will be visible to everyone listed on the community page and will appear for each person as a notification, a post in their latest activity stream and respective Community page.

In the responses area of each community post, tapping on the eye icon will show you a list of all the parents and teachers who have viewed the post. (Note: This list can only be viewed by teachers.)


Admin educators can also create Announcements that override a parent's notification settings.

Sending a community post with the Announcement checkbox ticked will send an email to each person in the community in addition to the notification they receive within Storypark, even if they have chosen to have community posts turned off in their email notification settings. 

Each recipient will receive an email titled ‘(Author) added a community post to (Early Learning Service)’ with the content of the community post in the body of the email and a link to view it in Storypark. 

As they override parent's settings we recommend only using announcements for very urgent or time sensitive matters.

Permissions: Conversations and parents posting in the community

If you are an Admin educator at your service, you have the option to allow or prevent conversations and community posts from being created by parents at your service.

In your community space, tap Edit next to your early learning service's name and at the bottom of the form you'll see the options under Permission settings.

Ticking the checkbox Parents can post in the community, allows all parents that are part of your community to create and publish community posts there.

Ticking the checkbox Allow community comments, allows parents to comment on community posts.

Ticking the checkbox Allow teacher-parent conversations, allows educators to send direct messages to parents and parents to send direct messages to educators.

You can also turn on/off the ability for parents to create and comment on community posts within each one of your service's community spaces.

Accessing community posts via mobile apps

Each time a community post is added, the people in that community will be notified with a push notification on their mobile device (if they have this turned on). Simply tap the push notification to read the post.

App-specific help articles:
The Community tab in Storypark for Families
Create a Community Post from Storypark for Families
Community in Storypark for Educators (iOS only)

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