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How to Connect Flipdish

This article will show you how you can connect your menus and locations to Flipdish as well as publish to Flipdish

Marc Marras avatar
Written by Marc Marras
Updated over a week ago

1. From the Menu Page Click on the Flipdish Logo

2. Click on Connect DSP

3. Login with your Flipdish credentials

4. Click on "Yes Allow" to approve the integration

5. Click the dropdown to view your Flipdish locations

6. Select the Flipdish location you want to connect

7. Click Continue

8. Select the Menu(s) you want to publish to Flipdish

NOTE: This step is ONLY for restaurants using Toast POS

9. Select all that apply

NOTE: Toast ONLY Step continued

10. Click Continue

11. You have successfully connected Flipdish

12. Be Sure to click Publish All to publish your Menu to Flipdish

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