Addon Security and SSL

This article describes the steps needed to setup FileMaker Server to run using extra security.

Miel De Rycke avatar
Written by Miel De Rycke
Updated over a week ago


Authentication for the addons is done against the Streamtime database and requires a valid Streamtime username and password to access data. In the case of the Client Web App, the app authenticates against contact records in Streamtime (A Client contact (people) email address and password.) The Streamtime API relies on the API Key and request signing using a Shared Secret to authenticate each request sent to the API.

Server Side Security

Although a secure end-to-end connection over HTTPS is possible, it requires an SSL certificate to be installed on the web server your FileMaker server is utilising. The Streamtime Support team cannot support setting up secure certificates on the FileMaker server, we would recommend an experienced web server administrator.

With this in mind all communication between your FileMaker server and the Mystreamtime cloud is clear text. Our Addons and the Streamtime API support SSL encryption between the client's web browser and the MyStreamtime cloud.

Steps for installing an SSL certificate on your server

Should you wish to configure SSL on your web server you would need to do the following (supported on FileMaker Server 13+) -

  1. Create a new DNS record for your domain, for instance (you need to own a domain and have access to create new DNS zones.)

  2. Purchase an SSL certificate for the new domain from an approved SSL certificate vendor or Certified Authority (CA), like GoDaddy.

  3. Create a Certificate Signing Request. This will generate 2 files on your server: A serverKey.pem and a serverRequest.pem. You will need to send the serverRequest.pem to your SSL certificate vendor for validation.
    Here are the instructions for FMServer 13 (page 68), FMServer 14 (page 140), FMServer 15 and FMServer 16. Your CA will send you back a signed SSL certificate.

  4. Install the certificate on the web server (this is the web server that FileMaker is utilising)
    Here are instructions for FMServer 13 (page 138),  FMServer 14 (page 8), FMServer 15 and FMServer 16

  5. In the web server disable listening on port 80 and enable port 443 (SSL)

  6. Edit the Server Deployment under FileMaker Server Overview in the FileMaker Server Admin Console and enable web publishing. When it tries to connect to the web server at the Select web server stage it should fail as port 80 is disabled and you will be able to manually edit the port and IP address. Set the IP address as localhost and specify the protocol as HTTPS and port as 443. Commit these changes in the FileMaker Server deployment.

  7. In FileMaker Server security under Configuration - Database Server select Require Secure Connections (see screen shot below).

  8. Log into and go to Addons in the left menu. Edit the IP address to be the domain in step 1 and the port to be 443.

  9. Commit your change, and you are done! Mystreamtime will now communicate with your FileMaker Server over SSL.

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