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How does the Streetbeat Tuition Rewards Program work?
How does the Streetbeat Tuition Rewards Program work?
Sofia avatar
Written by Sofia
Updated over a week ago

The Streetbeat Tuition Rewards Program allows Streetbeat account holders to earn points which can be redeemed for tuition credits at over 450 participating colleges and universities in the United States. One Tuition Reward Point equals $1 in tuition reduction. These points can be used for children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, stepchildren, and godchildren of the account holder and by the account holder and never expire. The maximum that a Participating College is obligated to accept is 25% of the cost of tuition (based on freshman year tuition), spread equally over four (or five if student is in a co-op program) years of undergraduate education. For example, if the “list price” of tuition for a school is $40,000 per year when the student matriculates, it means that the guaranteed minimum discount would be up to $10,000 per year (providing that at least 40,000 points were submitted to the school when the student applied).

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