When should I reset my Ad(s)?

Wondering when and if you should reset your ad(s)? Read more to find out!

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Written by JC
Updated over a week ago

Resetting your ad(s) is something we normally do on a case by case basis, and may not be something that we recommend for all ad(s). Here's why! 

Resetting an ad will reset its relevancy and cost per click. Doing this will change everything about the ad(s) initial performance and can be good from time to time if the ad isn't performing at the rate you would like. 

There are some cases where we will wait to reset the ad, as it takes time for the ad to preform, and can change and gain relevancy very quickly. 

It’s also important to remember that your lead flow will always change depending on the market, holidays and ad engagement on a day-to-day basis. If it drops for a considerable amount of time (7 + days), your Lead Generation Specialist might recommend making some changes to your ad. 

First thing you Lead Generation Specialist will do when the ad is not performing is look at your ad report data (gender of your audience, age groups that are engaging with your ad, etc.) and might suggest certain adjustments. For example, if he/she sees that a certain age group is not engaging with you ad, they'll recommend not target them anymore.If such measures still don't improve ad performance, they are likely to recommend an ad reset - which involves restarting it’s targeting so it simulates a brand new ad, to a new a audience.

It's important to remember that resetting an ad does not always mean that the ad will perform better than it was prior to being reset. In most cases, resetting the ad changes the ad performance for the better, however in some cases the performance does not improve. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to know if it will perform better, the same, or worse until the ad reset has been made. 

If you feel that the lead flow has drastically changed, you may want to consider changing your target area. 

We always recommend checking with your Lead Generation Specialist before making any decisions to change your ad, as they will know best regarding your advertisement and its performance.

For any other questions - please contact us directly!

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