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Adding a Custom Application Wizard

Creating an Application Wizard, brief overview

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Adding an application wizard

A wizard is a feature in a package that guides you through a complicated task. A popular use of wizards in general purpose packages is to take you, step by step, through the process of setting up a document. This wizard guides you through the stages involved in setting up an application.

Let’s configure the Application Wizard process

The wizard automatically creates the Basic Information step as Version 1 for you with the following sections:

Click on Edit to edit this information:

  • Wizard step description:  Enter information about the Application.  

  • Email to send to applicant on submission:  Setup a template or general email that will be sent to the applicant once they have submitted their application.  

For Example:  Dear Applicant, thank you for showing interest in this course...

  • Email to send to applicant once staff review is complete:  Setup a template or general email that will automatically be sent to the applicant after a staff member has reviewed the completed application

For Example:  Dear Applicant, your application has been submitted for review.  We will be in touch soon...

  • Terms And Conditions:  Set the terms and conditions of your application for the institution here

  • Under the Misc section, you will find three check boxes

First:  Allow review deferral
Check this box if you would like to review the information later and manually alert the user to continue filling out the wizard.  

Third: Hide future steps until complete
Check this box if you would like to hide all future steps until this part of the application is complete.

Second:  Requires review of all previous steps to continue.  
Check this box if you would like another staff member to review the application before the applicant can continue to the next steps.  

All of these settings are applied after selecting Save.

Standard settings accessible without selecting Edit:


Click on Add under the Reviewers section to add a person that need to verify all the necessary information of the applicant.
Select the Campus
Select the Staff Member
Click on Save

Default Notification Recipient

Click on Edit under the Default Notification Recipient for this step
Add a person that will be alerted when an applicant has done a submission
Click on Save

Notification Recipients

Click on Add under the Notification Recipients section
(This section will define the specific campus and will override the previous step)
Select the Campus
Select the Staff Member
Lastly, click on Save to save the first part of your application

Please Note

A new wizard can also be created by clicking on Add New Wizard.  Give the wizard a name and a description
Remember to mark your Wizard as
Active to activate the wizard for your application

Wizard Steps and Sections

Now that we have the basic step set up, you can set more application wizard steps.  

Student Manager have the following sections you can add to your wizard:

Personal Details

This sections captures the following personal details:

  • First Name (students credentials will already be entered)

  • Last Name (students credentials will already be entered)

  • Title

  • Middle Name

  • Known As

  • Date of Birth

  • Gender

  • Home Language

  • Marital Status

  • Nationality


This section captures the following details:

  • Equity Code

  • Socio Economic Status

  • Citizen Resident Status

  • Communicating

  • Hearing

  • Remembering

  • Seeing

  • Self Care

  • Walking


  • The applicant will be required to upload a clear photo

Contact Number


  • Country

  • Number


  • Country

  • Number



Here you can either find your address using Google Search or enter it manually:

  • Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3

  • Postal/Zip Code

  • Country

  • Province


Here you can either find your address using Google Search or enter it manually:

  • Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3

  • Postal/Zip Code

  • Country

  • Province

South African Secondary Education Record

  • Certificate Type

  • School

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Subject and Percentage

  • 10 places have been left open for you to enter 10 subjects


(all relationships have an inverse relation)

Select between the following:

Account Payer, Aunt, Brother, Cousin, Daughter, Doctor, Employee, Employer, Father, Granddaughter, Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandson, Guardian, Husband, Kin, Member, Mother, Nephew, Next of Kin, Niece, Pastor, Patient, Sister, Son, Sponsee, Spouse, Uncle, Ward or Wife.

  • Personal Details Required

  • Show mobile contact number

  • Show home contact number

  • Show physical address

  • Show postal address

  • Require mobile contact number

  • Require home contact number

  • Require physical address

  • Require postal address

Document Upload

Admin Fee Payment

  • Requires you to upload the proof of payment

Deposit Payment

  • Requires you to upload the proof of payment

Other documents

Other required documents can be added under More > Settings > Required Documents

Points Calculation

(connects to the Percentage point ranges)

  • Add secondary education (matric stuff)

  • Add points

Identification Number

National Identity Type

  • National ID

  • Passport Number

National Identity Number

  • Field allows for user to capture the number for the selected type

Custom Field

  • This field can be customised to your needs  

These can be configured under More > Custom Fields > People

Testing your Wizard

If you would like to test your Application process (Wizard), follow the below steps:

  • Go onto your Student Manager page (

  • After the type in /apply

  • This will take you to the Application page showing all your qualifications.  (This was set up in the Application Wizard under each Qualification)

  • Click on More on the first qualification

  • Copy the URL in the top bar that you will now be presented with into a web page that was not previously logged into Student Manager.  

Tip:  Normally using your browser in private/incognito mode helps with this.  

  • Then use an email address not currently in the system to test the application process.

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