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Edu.Dex Errors

Some guidance working with edu.dex checker

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Feature Function

This feature is available to allow staff to ensure data is read for extraction and creation of files for submission.

Before we start do the two-part setup check

Part 1 - Campus/Institution Provider Code

To set up your institution or campus if you have multiple campuses, they have separate accreditations codes, navigate to More > Settings and then select Campuses, edit the selected campus and enter your Provider Code. The provider code has traditionally had a "CHED ###" layout.

Part 2 - Qualification CHE Code

To check that your qualification is setup correctly, select Qualifications, then on the default list of qualifications which loads. Then select Configure for that qualification and then select Campuses.

For the campus/es that offer the qualification, select edit, select the check mark for "is CHE accredited" and fill out all of the qualification code, this is CHED-### format, the start date for accreditation and when the current accreditation will lapse/expire.

With this setup you can now move on to doing the Edu.Dex. checks.


This feature can be found under More > Edu.Dex

(N.B. a green check mark means all is correct and a red x means something needs to be fixed)

Using the checker

When you expand an item, which has a red X next to and select the subsection the system will let you know what is incorrect. There will also be a blue Fix button available on the bottom right which will give you access to the areas which need to be adjusted.

Once you have all green ticks for the data you want to submit, you can create the submission files by selecting Create Edu.Dex Files.

N.B. Any records with a red X will not be included in the submission files and also will not be submitted.

For more information regarding the Edu.Dex submission system select the link below:

A video overview of how Student Managers Edu.Dex checker:

Some of the common errors and solutions are listed below:

Student Errors

All student errors that is shown in the output form can be either fixed from the student profile page or by clicking on the Fix button underneath each error

Personal Details

You must enter the person's 'Equity' 

  • Under Edu Dex Fields & Disability Rating subsection, enter the person's equity code:  Black African, Coloured, Indian / Asian, Other or White 

You must enter the person's 'Socio-Economic' status 

  • Under Edu Dex Fields & Disability Rating subsection, enter the person's Socio-Economic status:  Employed, Home-maker (not working), N/A: aged <15, N/A: Institution, Not working - disabled, Not working - N.E.C., Not working - no wish to w, Not working - not looking, Pensioner/retired (not w.), Scholar/student (not w.), Unemployed - seeking work or Unspecified. 

The middle name can't be the same as the first name 

  • Remove the middle name from the personal detail

Please set the person's title

  • Choose a title for the student:  Br, Dr, FR, Miss, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Prof, Rev or Sr

You must enter the person's 'Gender' 

  • Choose a gender for the student:  Female or Male

You must enter either a National ID or an Alternate ID

  • Enter the user's ID number.  If the person has a passport - change the CHE Identifier under CHE required fields to Passport.

Address Details

The person's 'Postal Address Post Code' is required. Please enter a four-digit number

  • Under the Address subsection, enter the postal information and or post code  

  • If they are outside of South Africa, use four zeros, i.e. 0000

Qualification Details

This students 'Enrolled Date' cannot be after qualification's 'End Date'

  • Under the Qualification page from the main menu bar, View the correct Qualification and click on Details

  • At the bottom of the Details page you will find your CHE accreditation Code, Start and End date.  This date must be after the intake you are currently in.  If the date shows an earlier date (before the current intake date), Edu.Dex will not accept the data as the institution do not have an active accreditation, at the time the student registered, I.e. enrolment date

You must enter the student's 'Learner Achievement Type'

  • Under the Student Coursework page, navigate to the correct Qualification and click on Options and Edit

  • Here you can set the Achievement Type to:  Distance Learning, Distance Learning at more than one Provider, Mixed Mode, Other, Previous Achievement, Residential (Contact) at more than one Provider, Residential Learning, RPL for Access to Qualification, RPL for Complete Qualification, RPL for Credits or Advanced Standing, RPL for Designation, RPL for Unknown Purpose, Self-study or Work Place Learning

The learner is not enrolled into any modules for this qualification. Therefore, their FTE value cannot be calculated. 

  • This means that the student is enrolled into a Qualification but never registered for any modules.  Register the student for modules.

The learner is doing a module in a year that's outside of the years that the qualification is allowed to be offered in

  • The Qualification Accreditation start, and end date need to be updated.  To do this:

  • Click on Qualifications from the main menu and Configure the Qualification that needs adjusting

  • Under the Campus section, you will find the CHE Accreditation details at the bottom, click on Edit to adjust the dates and Save.

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