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Configuring the Learning Path/Curriculum

How to setup the curriculum structure

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Before configuring the learning path/curriculum, we need to have created modules/courses in the system, if you have not added any modules as yet please select the linked article below and return here to continue with setting up the learning path/curriculum

Now that we have verified that we have created modules/courses in the system we can continue to setting up the learning path/curriculum, the assumption is that you have created a curriculum and would now like to configure it, if not please select the link below to add a curriculum before returning here to be guided on how to configure it

Configuring the learning path/curriculum

  • On the page listing the curricula, select the + in-line with the curriculum which you would like to setup

  • Select Add First Level Grouping
    **Tip** think of the first level group as a "level of study" for example you may study something which has 4 levels, e.g. Year 1 - Year 4 or something with a single level of study e.g. Level 1. In this level you would like to group all courses/modules which if combined, satisfy the rules for completing that level of study.

  • Select the Name input box

Type in a Name,  in the input box, This should be related to the level of study, e.g. Year 1, Level 1

  • Select the Number of passed modules to progress, to how many modules should be passed in this level grouping to progress to the next level

  • Once all the settings are configured, select Save, you will then see the name of the first level displayed with an option to add a second level grouping

  • Next select Add Second Level Grouping 

**Tip** think of the second level group as a smaller collection of course/modules i.e. period grouping label, where you can describe the time frame for delivery or just list all the modules to be taken for the level, examples of this would be, Term, Semester and Quarter

  • Select the Name input box to name the level grouping

  • Type in a Name, the second level 

  • Once the name is entered, select Save

Now that there is a learning path/curriculum structure, modules can be added, note that there are two groupings, required group (must do) and electives (can do based on rules)

Adding Required Modules

  • For required group modules select Add

  • Select the module drop down list

  • Select the module which should be added

Note: Only use equivalent modules if the new module being added has an equivalent module already listed in the curriculum

  • Select and capture the credits in Credits input box

  • Select and capture the module cost in Cost input box
    this refers to the tuition cost of the module/course, add all the costs associated with the module/course together and place the total value here

  • Once all selections are complete select Save
    after the second module is added, the Co-requisite (module/s which need to be registered together) and the Pre-requisite (module/s which need to be passed before accessing this module) will appear

Once Setup your required Modules area could look similar to this, with it's rules, costs and credits

Adding Elective Modules

An Elective Module are normally those offered by departments to students from outside that department. Departments identify non-compulsory modules within each of their programmes that a student may replace with elective modules.

Before adding the elective modules, we need to create an elective group which will have rules on how many module should be selected from that group
In our example we will add a single group with a rule that 1 module should be selected

In line with Elective Groups, select Add

I our example, a learner must have registered for 1 of the additional topics in order to successfully complete the learning programme

  • For elective group modules select Add (this will now work the same way as Required Modules)
    **Tip** you are also able to set any of the Required Modules as Co-requisites or Pre-requisites, if you would like to tighten up module registrations

  • Select the module drop down list

  • Select the module which should be added

Note: Only use equivalent modules if the new module being added has an equivalent module already listed in the curriculum

  • Select and capture the credits in Credits input box

  • Select and capture the module cost in Cost input box

  • Once all selections are complete select Save

You will now have a learning path for learners, with all the progression rules necessary for them to progress through the learning programme

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