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How to configure a short course

Configuration and setup of a short course

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Lets look at what we need and understand before we begin

For how long will my short course run?  
If your answer here is more than one year, then we suggest to rather make use of the Qualification setup

Why will my short course contain only one subject or module?
Short courses are setup and configured with only one subject, therefore, if your short course requires more than one subject or module, then this would have to be setup under Qualifications 

When will my short course run?
Courses are setup with registration periods which assist with enrolling students. The course can be linked to an individual or multiple campuses. Groups must be setup to define the actual study period. A group defines a collection of students who will be studying together for a time period, essentially a class of students.  A group or class is required in order to manage resource allocation.

Ready to setup your Short Course? 

As you navigate through the tabs and buttons, you will find a "Heads Up!" message and some explanations.  These will help guide you through
the process.

Video Tutorial

Mastering Short Courses in 45 minutes

Follow the Steps to Adding the Short Course

From the Main Menu, select Short Courses and click on Add Short Course

Here you will need to fill out the following details:

  1. Name of your short course

  2. Name on Reports

  3. Code of your course

  4. Description (not required)

  5. Grade Symbol Range Group (this can be adjusted in Settings)

  6. Summary of your Prospectus (not required)

  7. Detailed explanation of your Prospectus (not required)  

Now that you have clicked save, the short course is added

* Pro Tip* - Short Courses are configured from left to rights

Step 1

Link the Campus/Training site which will be offering the Short Course

(New campuses/training sites are created under More > Settings > Campuses)

Step 2

Registration dates are by default set to the current full year start and end date, you can change this by clicking on Change allocated above the dates.  Registration dates are set to allow a user's registration into the course.  

Click on Add to Create a new group and enter the following details:

  1. Name - name of the group, for example: Group A 

  2. Code - Can only be 4 characters or numbers 

  3. Start Date and End Date are automatically set

  4. Max number of students - What is the maximum number of students you can allow in this group.  For example, some classrooms only have 10 seats 

  5. Assessment Type - by default this is set to Simple.  More information on this will pop up when you hover your mouse over the information symbol (i)

Tip!  More than one group can be added.  This is also helpful if you do online registrations and as soon as one group fills up, registrations can continue into the second group.

Step 3

When an applicant is registering for a short course, or applying for a qualification they will typically be required to enter some information about themselves. This wizard allows you to specify what information you required them to capture. You do this by adding steps to the Information Capture Wizard, and for each step, specifying sections on it e.g. Address, Contact Details etc. For each step, you can specify the contents of an email to be sent to the applicant and/or a staff member, upon the applicant completing the step.

By default, a few steps have already been added for you:

  1. Basic Information (Name, Surname, Email Address)

  2. Personal Information (Personal Details, Contact Number, Address)

Detailed setup, configuration and information can be found HERE

Steps 4 & 5

The Payment wizard and Payment Settings can be configured in connection with your Information Capture Wizard.  What this means is when you have configured your wizard, you can setup steps on how you want your applicant to pay for the course.   The payment step will start after the student has applied for the course but before the student is registered into the course.

Navigate through the steps to set this up.  Each step will have a short description to help you along the way!  

Note:  We do not link to any payment gateways. This is purely for collecting information and presenting costs to a student

Step 6


You don't need to change this as part of a quick setup, however, if you want your prospective students to apply online, you will need to change this on the Settings tab.

Well Done!

You are finished with your setup and can now continue applying and registering your students!  This can be done by clicking on "New Applicant"

Additional Information

1. Registration Summary and Status

A summary of all registrations into all courses can be seen from the Registrations tab and a status of your registration configuration can be found in the tab on the left.


2. Registration Configuration Status

This shows you if you are set up and ready, if there is information in red, that means there is a problem and you won't be able to link learners to the short course.

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