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All CollectionsSystem Updates and Fixes2019
27/08/2019 - Fixed and updates
27/08/2019 - Fixed and updates

Fixes and updates - 27 September 2019

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago
  • Show/hide inactive link for qualifications has been fixed

  • Under Applications>Wizard setup>Active Wizard> Basic Information > Step Header text section has more detail

  • If text is added to The Step Header Text section for the Basic Information Step, this now shows on the Apply page for applicants who aren’t logged in

Default view

Example of a custom view

  • Custom fields on Application Wizards Steps no longer have a "header" on the wizard, which previously made it appear as though the name was duplicated. So custom field names now only appear once

Updated Layout

  • Sorting has been added to Module group table, this contains the name of all the groups (default ordering Start Date then Alphabetical)

  • The default ordering for Intakes changed to Enrolment Date descending and  then Description in alphabetical order

  • The registration confirmation summary report now includes the students residential address to cater for foreign students as well, this is if required for visa applications

Old Layout

Updated Layout

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