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Searching for Active Students

How to find active students in Reports, Communication, Send Activation Links and Student Details Update

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago


When generating reports, sending emails and sms, sending activation links and well as requesting details to be updated, there is sometimes the need to just find all the student who were active during a certain period of time, be it today, last year or previous semester/term.

This has been standardised as a Search tab called "Active" in the system

Using the Active Search Control

Step 1: 

Choosing the context to search for the students

This allows for finding active students by two different initial criteria:

  1. Active in Module/Course

    This takes into account the student/learners registrations in groups (which have specified start and end dates).
    N.B. This excludes withdrawn student modules/courses

  2. Actively Enrolled in a Qualification/Short Course

    This looks at the achievement status of the learner and the outcome date of the qualification to see where

Step 2: 

Selecting a time frame when the student was active

Where the display has the label "During" refers to the time period.
When selecting ensure that the calendar icon is selected first, you will then be able to set a start (left hand side) and end (right hand side) date.

The system will return results which match and intercept the selected period.

Step 3: 

Selecting the Campuses/Training Sites where the learners are based

The "At Campus/es" option allows for selecting a single campus or multiple (user configurable), by default all campuses are included.

Step 4:

Selecting the Qualification, Short Course/Learning Programme which the learners are in

The "In Qualification / Short Course" option allows for selecting a single or multiple learning programmes (user configurable), by default all learning programmes are included.

Step 5:

Applying the filters and returning the search results

Select "Search" to return all the learners which meet the selected criteria and to add all them select the "Add all" to the top right of the list of learners.

The process for generating the report, sending the email/sms, sending activation links or bulk update requests can now be concluded with only the select Active learners/students.

An Example

Adding Students/Learners for the Report Wizard:

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