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Staff Group Access

Adding Employee to Module Groups and Granting Access Rights

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago


This feature is designed to allow the system administrator to give varied levels of access to staff to work with students assessments

The administrator would required the access rights highlighted in the image below to manage staff linked to the module/course's group 

My Courses > Qualifications Modules > View [for the given module] > Select "Campus" > Groups

Adding an Employee to the Group:

Navigate your way to the group you would like staff to have access to.

Select the "+" next to the group you would like to work with, this will expand the group

  • Once it has expanded scroll down the section labelled Employee and select Add to add one person or Add Multiple to enable selection of more than one employee

  • When the Select the staff member screen appears, select the input box (more information on navigating this screen can be found HERE

  • Type in the name of the staff member you want to add

  • Select search to search for the employee using the detail you've entered

  • Once the employee appears in the list, select Add

Group Access rights explained:

See The Group - Works with the System access permission where user can either see all groups or only those they are assigned to.

Capture Results - Allows user to capture and edit results prior to them being published. In the context of online assessments, the user will be an assessor.

Modify Results - Allows user to edit results after they have been published. In the context of online assessments, the user will be both an assessor and moderator.

Moderate Results - This applies to online Assessments. The user will be a moderator.

Publish Assessments - Allows user to publish results. This allows students to see result if they have access.

Unpublish Assessments - Allows user to unpublish results. This will remove the result from the student's view, if they have access.

Permissions End Date - User will lose all access rights as of the date set.

Assigning Access rights to the Group:

Now that the employee is listed you can select Edit and add additional group permissions

  • After selecting edit a window will appear which allow you to assign access rights to the group, to enable capture results select the checkbox in line with it

  • To allow the employee to moderate results: select the checkbox in line with it. This setting can be used if there is an external moderator and you only want them to just moderate 

  • To allow the employee to publish assessment results: select the checkbox in line with it

  • To allow the employee to unpublish assessment results: select the checkbox in line with it

  • To allow the employee to modify assessment results select the checkbox in line with it

  • To select a permissions end date: i.e. a date when the employee will automatically lose access right to the group, select the input box where yyyy/mm/dd is displayed

  • When the calendar appears, select a date

  • Once you are satisfied with all the sections, select Save to keep the changes and Cancel to discard the changes

  • You will be returned to the main screen where you will see that all your changes have taken effect

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