Short Course Registrations

Linking your learners to their short courses

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

For short-course registrations we have set it up so that it is a shorter process than registrations for qualification this is because there is only technically a single cause that the learner needs to connect to so certain things can be skipped automated. For this reason, what would have been an application and the registration process in a qualification is just a single registration process in the short course.

Here we will go through how to go about registering a learner for a short course. 

Step 1 - Navigate to Short Course Registrations

This is Short Courses > Registrations

You will note that the screen allows you to see the current progress of your registrations as well as being able to initiate first-time registration. 

For initiating a first-time registration select a New Registration in the top right-hand side of your screen.

Step 2 - Linking the learner/applicant to the correct campus and Short Course

Once the New Registration screen loads you will notice that there are three sections there are sections for the applicant whether they be a new existing one and then there is a section for the course or the program that you going to be linking the applicant to. So please note that this page is loading in the context of someone applying to access the course the steps would be similar to what that access if they were signing up for the course of your online applications page. 

The difference here is that you are looking at a staff access view of the system and they would have an applicant access view of the system.

If this is an existing learner so someone was already in the system you can select existing and then search for them if not leave it selecting new and you can into their first name last name and email address.
To link them to the correct short-course you now go to the intake section, by default an intake is created for you when you add a new short-course so you only need to look at the campus and the qualification.
If you have multiple campuses select the campus you want the learner to be linked to, then select the qualification or learning program that they are going to enter.

Now select Apply.

Step 3 - Follow the prompts as they have been configured to fill out your learner information

Step 4 - You will be presented with a finalise screen, here you need to choose the correct group which you would like to link the learner to for the period.

Your learner will now be linked to the correct group for your short course. So this is how to register and following the steps you should successfully link learners to your short courses.

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