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Adding a Group

How to add a group to a Module/Course

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Student Manager Definition:
A Group/Class is a space for learners who are to be grouped together for a given time-frame. This collection of learners will share/have the same assessments, events and learning resources for this time frame. At the end of this time frame using the same evaluation/measure, the outcome of their attempted module will be determined.

Adding a Group:
If this is the new group that is going to be added, in general, there won't be a group list there, so you should see a red notification which explains that there are currently no groups. You are then able to add the group by selecting Add, doing some configuration and then selecting Save.

Step 1 - Under the selected campus, on the group's tab, select Add

Step 2 - Once the Create Group Modal displays, fill out the fields as required


This is the name you would like to give the group, if could be related to the time-frame e.g. 2020, semester 1, semester 1, 1st Trimester, Term 1 or any other name you would like to use which would make it easy for your institution to identify the group once they have selected the Module and want to generate a report.


This is a four-character code which is sometimes displayed in the system where there may not be enough space on a table or report to display the full name of the group.

Start Date:

This will be the date that learner will start in this module/course. Ensure that this date matches or is after the learners intake enrollment date. i.e. if your first day of training for a year is on the 20th of January, having your groups start on the 1st of January will cause some errors, so have the groups start on the 20th or the 21st of January, i.e. the day lessons would be underway for those related modules/courses

End Date:

This will be their last day in the group, this could the day after rewrites are allowed for the final assessments or the final chance to pass with that particular group of learner without having to repeat the course/module.

Maximum number of students:

If you are unsure of the group size set it to zero, if you would like to set a figure as a guide so that you can see when a group is reaching or has reached its capacity, add a value.

Assessment Type:

There are two assessment types to choose from simple and progression.

  • Simple will just calculate the weighted average final grade of the Module/Course.

  • Progression allows you to assess/evaluate preliminary/preparatory assessments separate to final/exit assessments by allowing them to be placed into two separate categories. This then also allows you to use the preliminary assessments to grant access to the final assessment. Rewrites statuses are also catered for.

Available Qualification:

This allows you to link the group to certain programmes (qualifications and short courses). A single group can be linked to multiple programmes. If your concern is that you still would like separation of students per learning programme, the system will do this on the various reports and even on the list of students in the group, so that you will be able to identify that a given learner is from a certain programme. If your qualification does not display here, please check that the Campus has bee linked in the Qualification/Short Course configuration.

Step 3 - Once the selections have been made, select Save to create the group

Step 4 - When you expand the group and view the detail you should also see the learning programme, which it is linked to


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