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Module Updates 11/02/2022

Groups Tabs and loading changes

Clive avatar
Written by Clive
Updated over a week ago

Changes have been applied to module to improve load time and allow group tab view sequence configuration

(N.B. to view a larger and clearer version of image or to download an image, right-click on it and select "Open Image in New Tab")

Module Sections Load Update:

Group Page information

Module Section Load

A text guide now displays to show what setting has been use for the group ordering and the group tab labels within Student, Assessments, Attendance, e-Learning and Outline
In this example the groups have been ordered by start date and the labels for the groups within the sections will the name of the group

Module Section Listing

A home tab will load where there is more than one group, i.e. two or more groups, this will speed up the page load so that group that requires access can be selected faster. Also, the tab names are set according to the configuration on the Module's Details page.

Click the link below to see how to edit this:
โ€‹Changing the Group Tab names and order

Module Details: Layout Display

Module Details Layout

A. Details

Details now fills the width of the frame due to having additional fields for Group Tab Order and Group Tab

B. Edit > Options

The edit option for editing the module detail has now been placed within the options dropdown

C. Add Tags link > Tags

The Add Tags link has been removed from the top of the Module Details page and is now a section

D. Custom Fields

The custom fields section has been shifted from initially being alongside details to below

E. Resources

To speed up the page load, resource will no longer load by default but will need to expand if management of them is required

Module Details: Group tab order and tab name display

To edit the configuration for the ordering and label display of groups, first select the module details options dropdown, then select edit

Module Edit

The Module Edit modal screen will load giving you the option change the tab order and Tab name

Edit Module Configuration

โ€‹Group Tab Order can be by Group Name, Start Date or Code

Group Tab Name Display can be Group Name, Start Date or Code

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