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How to Manage Fonts

Studio offers a wide range of fonts to enhance your site’s visual appeal and readability. Learn how to manage fonts effectively with built-in features.

Saika avatar
Written by Saika
Updated over a month ago

Managing Fonts

Studio lets you enhance your site's visual impact and readability through various font options. Here's everything you need to know about managing fonts in Studio.

Font List Overview

The Font List is your central hub for managing all project fonts. Before applying any font to text, you must first register it in the Font List. This interface allows you to:

  • Add fonts for site-wide use

  • Configure Subsidiary Fonts (Sub Fonts) settings *Coming soon

  • Modify font management labels

  • Set default font preferences

Screenshot: Image of the font list managing fonts.

Note: Currently, Studio doesn't support font uploads or imports. Please use the fonts provided within Studio.

Understanding Subsidiary Fonts (Sub Fonts) *Coming soon

Note: If your Studio account language is set to English, this feature is not available. Switch to Japanese to access these features.

Sub fonts can be added to any font already in your Font List. This feature enables:

  • Language-specific font assignments

  • Device-specific font display settings when using system fonts

Screenshot: Adding a sub-font to the font list.

Sub Fonts Use Cases

Complex Font Settings

You can create composite fonts for mixed language typography by adding sub fonts. For example, you can set up a hierarchy where:

  1. Kana fonts handle hiragana and punctuation

  2. English fonts manage half-width alphanumeric characters

  3. Japanese fonts display kanji and full-width symbols

Screenshot: Image of a text box with a composite font set for Japanese and Western mixed typography.

Device-Specific Font Settings

When using system fonts, you can specify alternative fonts for different devices (Mac, Windows, iOS) to maintain visual consistency across platforms.

Useful Font Management Features

Default Font Configuration

The default font automatically applies to new text elements in your project. The font positioned at the top of your Font List becomes your default font. For new projects, Lato is the default setting. To change the default font:

  1. Select any text box

  2. Open the Text tab in the style bar

  3. Drag your preferred font to the top of the Font List

Screenshot: Setting the default font.

Font Labels

You can customize font labels to keep your project organized. For example, use labels like "Heading 1" or "Body Text" to clearly identify font purposes.

  1. Select a text box

  2. Open the Text tab

  3. Choose a font from the list and open its details

  4. Edit the label field

GIF: Editing the label display of a font registered in the font list.

Usage Tracking

You can easily monitor where specific fonts are being used:

  1. Select a text box

  2. Open the Text tab

  3. Choose a font and view its details

  4. Check the "Pages used" section to see page-specific font instances

Screenshot: Checking the page where the font is used.
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