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Upload your Agency Logo and Banner
Upload your Agency Logo and Banner

Where to upload your agency logo

Updated over a week ago


Your agency's logo is a key element of your brand identity, and it's important to ensure that it's displayed prominently and accurately on your StudioSpace Marketplace profile. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to update your agency's logo on StudioSpace:

  1. Log in to your StudioSpace agency account

  2. In "My Studio", click on the "Marketplace Showcase" tab and then the "Publish Profile" tab

  3. There are 2 sections where you can upload the square and wide versions of your logo.

    1. The square Logo will be used on the marketplace listing page.

      Important: If using .PNG/.SVG, ensure your logo stands out over a white background - specifications are 240 x 240 pixels

    2. The wide Logo will be used on your full profile page.

      Important: If using .PNG/.SVG, ensure your logo stands out over a black background - specifications are 675 x 240 pixels

Tip: While not mandatory, for faster load times, we recommend logos be uploaded as vectorized SVGs


Updating your agency's profile banner is a great way to make a lasting first impression on potential clients visiting the StudioSpace Marketplace. With the right banner, you can showcase your agency's brand, style, and values. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to update your agency's profile banner:

  1. Log in to your StudioSpace agency account

  2. Once you're in the "My Studio" section, click on the "Marketplace Showcase" tab

  3. Under "Publish Profile", you will see a section labelled "Profile Banner"

  4. Click on the "Upload" button, and select the image file you want to use as your banner

  5. You can be as creative as you want with your banner, but it should have a minimum size of 1440 x 360 pixels

Note: It is advised that you keep any important graphical elements in the centre of the screen, as the edges may get cropped on some devices.

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