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[PERFORMANCE] - How can I export scores from Subject to an external gradebook?
[PERFORMANCE] - How can I export scores from Subject to an external gradebook?
Written by Blake Myrin
Updated over a week ago

To export scores at a section level, follow the steps in "How can I export scores for my section?"

To export to an external gradebook, educators can add an external export ID to each learner. An external export ID is the student ID or unique user id of the learner in the external gradebook. This uniquely identifies that learner and will make it easier to import Subject’s CSV into the gradebook.

Video Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

1) Login

Log into the Educator Portal.


2) Roster

In the Roster tab, select a learner and click Learner Account.


3) Export IDs

Scroll to the bottom until you see External Export IDs. Click Edit.

4) Select Gradebook and Student ID

Select the external gradebook you use and enter this learner's unique user id from that gradebook. If you use a gradebook that is not listed, select Other. Then click Save.

5) Repeat

Repeat steps 2-4 for each learner in your section.

6) Attached to Learner

Now, the external export IDs you just added will be attached to each learner and included in any scores exports you make for your section. Let's see it in action!

7) Export Score

Go to the Performance tab for your section. Select a course and click Export scores.

8) Confirm

In the modal, select the gradebook you just input external export IDs for. Then click Confirm.

9) CSV File

In the downloaded CSV, you will see an additional column for the external export ID. This allows you to uniquely match this learner from Subject to the same learner in your external gradebook.


Given that different gradebooks use different CSV formats, slight adjustments to the formatting of our export may be needed to import these scores directly into your gradebook.

Please reach out to us at if you have any questions.

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