To facilitate your accounting tracking, you have the option to add information that will appear on the CSV file of the billing, directly on the Supertripper platform.
This is particularly the case for "tags", "labels", and "custom fields". Their difference lies in their function on the Supertripper platform.
A "Tag" is used to group different bookings under the same denomination to facilitate organization and search (e.g., PACA region trips).
A "Label" is specific information added during each booking allowing it to be associated with a particular data point (e.g., reason for travel).
A "Custom field" is specific information added to each user profile, visible in the profile settings section (e.g., user ID number).
☝️ Note: While all users who can make bookings can create tags, only users with an "administrator" or "accountant" role can create labels and custom fields.
📌 To learn how to add a "tag" to a booking, please consult the following article.
📌 To learn how to create a label on the platform, please consult the following article.
📌 To learn how to add a custom field to user profiles, please consult the following article.