When you pick up a vehicle you rented through Supertripper, a credit card in the driver's name may be required by the car rental agency. This depends on the terms of the contract that was concluded between your company and Supertripper:
For "Full credit" contracts: all fees are covered by your company at the time of booking (additional mileage, deposit, etc.). Therefore, you will not have any additional fees to advance when picking up the vehicle you rented.
For "Limited credit" contracts: the driver will have to pay certain fees not covered by their company at the time of booking, such as excess mileage or the deposit. Make sure you have a credit card to cover these fees when picking up and returning the vehicle.
To find out the type of contract that was concluded with your company ("Full credit" or "Limited credit"), please contact the administrator of your company's Supertripper account.
📌 To find out who the administrator of your company's Supertripper account is, please consult the following article.