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Code 13: Substitution Overcharge
Krista Nicewarner avatar
Written by Krista Nicewarner
Updated over 3 months ago


Code 13s are filed when the supplier invoices for one item number but Walmart received a different item number. This will always be caught if the item billed on the invoice is at a higher cost than the merchandise received - Walmart will file a code 13 for the difference in cost.

How to Prevent Valid Code 13s

Substitutions often occur due to invoicing errors or when merchandise is received under the wrong PO, so many recommended prevention techniques relate to ensuring that items are clearly identifiable within shipments.

  • Item Setup and Invoicing

    • Confirm your item setups

    • Transmit invoices with Walmart item numbers, not internal item numbers or UPCs

    • Match your invoice to the PO and don’t make adjustments on the invoice that don’t match the PO

    • Confirm that fulfillment information is correctly flowing to the warehouse (check your EDI)

  • Packaging and Labeling

    • Identify the PO number and Facility number on labels

    • Be sure labels are clearly applied, not damaged or obfuscated

    • Use color-coding/imagery to differentiate between products

    • Use slip sheets between POs if palletizing freight

    • Use color-coding/imagery to differentiate between orders

      • It is best to avoid co-mingling inventory for different Purchase Orders. Walmart expects one PO shipment per pallet or per box unless you have an agreement with the RM stating otherwise. If you do include multiple POs in a shipment you must clearly separate them, though it is still not recommended as this is one of the most common reasons for invalid shortage claims and substitutions.

Can it be Disputed?

Disputing Code 13s can sometimes be difficult, but we have seen them won back when disputed through APDP even though Walmart typically says they won't normally review these types of disputes for payback. In fact - of all of the code 13s we've seen disputed through Walmart's dispute portals, 37% have been Approved.

How to Dispute Invalid Code 13s

Supporting Documentation:

  • Bill of Lading showing correct items shipped (if the BOL shows individual product/UPC-level information)

  • A copy of the Invoice (EDI 810) to show what product was shipped

  • Proof of Delivery showing items received

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