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Code 23: Carton Shortage SLC
Krista Nicewarner avatar
Written by Krista Nicewarner
Updated over 3 months ago


Code 23s are given when an order arrives short, and the freight bill is marked SLC (shipper load and count), meaning it was the shipper's responsibility to load the truck and confirm quantities, and the carrier did not verify a carton count.

Code 23s are extremely rare, with Walmart typically using the more general code 22 or 24.

How to Prevent Valid Code 23s

  • Ensure that all cases are shipped as noted on the freight bill. Be sure all cases ordered on PO are shipped complete.

  • If the load is not SLC (shipper load and count), then make sure the BOL is not marked SLC; otherwise, you will be liable for shortages

  • Driver must note case count on Bill of Lading and not have marked SLC

Can it be Disputed?

Most often this should be disputed with the carrier rather than with Walmart. If you need a copy of the proof of delivery that Walmart signed for the shipment as short, then you could file a dispute in the Accounts Payable Disputes Portal (APDP) in Retail Link and request proof that it was signed short.

How to Dispute Invalid Code 23s

Supporting Documentation:

  • If the Proof of Delivery is signed short, this is a carrier claim. If it is signed in full but Walmart didn't properly receive the product into inventory, a signed POD in full should be enough to dispute a shortage claim with Walmart. Be sure the Purchase Order number is clearly listed on the POD.

OR, dispute with the carrier and provide:

  • A signed copy of the Proof of Delivery showing Walmart signed for the shipment as short 

  • Bill of Lading showing the driver noted correct case count, and the BOL is not marked SLC (shipper load and count)

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