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Code 52: Volume Allowance (VA)
Krista Nicewarner avatar
Written by Krista Nicewarner
Updated over 3 months ago


A volume allowance is extended when Walmart purchases large volumes of merchandise. A code 52 occurs when this allowance is listed on the supplier agreement but not included on an invoice.Β 

How to Prevent Valid Code 52s

  • Code 52s would only be triggered when there is an allowance listed on your PO, and it is not listed on the invoice. Because these are only triggered when an allowance is given on your PO, Walmart does not allow them to be disputed through the portal. You should review your allowances before shipping your PO.

  • Check with your EDI provider to make sure applicable allowances are being included on invoices.

Can it be Disputed?

Yes, this can be disputed through APDP.

The common scenario for invalid code 52s is that your Supplier Agreement states that an allowance is supposed to be given off-invoice, but your EDI provider is actually giving the allowance off-line-item. In this scenario, the correct dollar amount is being withheld from the invoice, just from the wrong place. Disputing with your buyer and showing that the correct amount was already withheld can often overturn the deduction.

How to Dispute Invalid Code 52s

Navigating to APDP in Retail Link where you can create a dispute, including your Supplier Agreement as supporting documentation.


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