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Finding verified email addresses of contacts
Finding verified email addresses of contacts
Marta Szeflińska avatar
Written by Marta Szeflińska
Updated over a week ago

Surfe is partnered with Apollo, RocketReach, Dropcontact, and Hunter to find email addresses and phone numbers of LinkedIn profiles. Depending on your Surfe plan, you’ll be able to use credits to search for a profile’s email address and phone number. If you’re already signed up to a different email enrichment provider, you can also integrate that with Surfe to save your Surfe credits.

To find a verified email address or phone number of a LinkedIn profile, first add them to your CRM as a contact or lead. Next, click the ‘Search’ button next to ‘Find contact details’ in the Surfe Sync panel. This will search for both an email address and phone number simultaneously and will use 1 credit.

Once a result is found, the information is automatically added to your CRM without any copy and pasting needed from you. It is possible to set Surfe to automatically enrich contacts when you first add them to your CRM. To do this, head to the Settings tab in the Surfe Dashboard. Here, you can toggle the setting to ‘Trigger email & phone enrichment automatically’.

Surfe uses an enrichment cascade process. This means that when you perform a search, Surfe will first use your own enrichment tool if you’ve added one. 1 Surfe credit is used (not more, not less) each time you make a search and even if you find no results. To add your own email enrichment tool, head to the Tools & Apps tab of the Surfe Dashboard.

The Essential and Pro plans provide up to an unlimited number of credits each month. Any credits you don’t use will carry over to the next month.

To connect your own email enrichment provider, simply grab your API key, add it to your Surfe Dashboard and you're all set! You can check out how to do that for specific providers here.

To avoid sourcing personal emails instead of professional ones, toggle the corresponding settings in the Surfe Dashboard to ignore them.

When enriching contacts using Surfe, we ensure that the email addresses found and synced into your CRM are up-to-date and accurate by simultaneously querying Zerobounce 🚀 Zeroboune is a leading online email validation system, which ensures any email addresses you retrieve have no deliverability issues.

Currently, Zerobounce email validation is already included in each of our Surfe plans. So each time you run the email finder tool, we will ensure the email which is sent to your CRM is one which will not bounce

If the email which is found during enrichment is one which is not valid, then we will not send it into your CRM.

​You can read more about this Zerobounce feature and how to connect it if you are already one of their customers in this article 🏄

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