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Marta Szeflińska avatar
Written by Marta Szeflińska
Updated over a week ago

ZoomInfo provides a database of business and professional contact information.

How to Connect ZoomInfo with Surfe

To connect ZoomInfo with Surfe and unlock powerful integration features, follow these clear and simple steps:

Note: Before proceeding, please ensure that you have an Enterprise account license with ZoomInfo to obtain the necessary API Key.

Step 1: Log in to ZoomInfo

Using admin credentials that have API access, log in to your ZoomInfo account. Once logged in, go to the Admin Portal and click on "API." Then, select "Generate New Key." This action will provide you with a Client ID and a Private Key.

Step 2: Access the Surfe Dashboard

Visit your Surfe Dashboard and navigate to the "Tools & Apps" section and find the ZoomInfo integration.

Step 3: Enter ZoomInfo Credentials in Surfe

Enter the following information: Private Key, UserName, and Client ID, exactly as provided by ZoomInfo.


- When pasting the private key, be sure to include both the "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" and "END PRIVATE KEY" lines.

- To obtain an API Key, you must have an enterprise account with ZoomInfo.

- If you encounter any difficulties during this process, please reach out to your ZoomInfo account manager for assistance. Alternatively, you can consult ZoomInfo's API documentation for further guidance.

By following these steps, you will successfully connect ZoomInfo with Surfe, enabling seamless integration between the two platforms.

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