In the Connect for PADS Professional application, the component properties that display in column headers in the Project BOM page depend on the component properties defined in a BOM file associated with a project in a cloud collaboration space.
By default, the BOM view shows the following default properties:
DESC (Description)
VALUE (Value)
QTY (Quantity)
REFDES (Reference Designator)
PACKAGE (Package)
SUPPLIER (Supplier)
PART_NUMBER (Part Number)
The Designer application uses a part list configuration file (.ipl) to define the component properties, the label names, and the order in which they appear in a BOM file. Select the default configuration file for the Connect for PADS Professional application or a custom configuration file in the Part Lister dialog box and define the columns that appear in the BOM file.
The DesignerBOMSettings.ipl configuration file, in the <SDD_HOME>\common\win64\_bin\PCCD\config folder defines the default component property information associated with a project to extract to a BOM file. To generate a BOM file with custom component properties, modify the configuration file using a standard ASCII editor (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio Code) to add, remove, and reorder the list of component properties in the generated BOM file.
For more information, see “Creating a Part Lister Configuration File” in the PADS Professional Designer User’s Guide in Support Center.