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Uploading Files to a Folder

How do I upload ancillary data files to a folder associated with a project version in Connect?

Adam avatar
Written by Adam
Updated over a week ago

Role: Administrator or Editor.

You can upload ancillary data files associated with a project version to a secure location in the cloud. Uploading and storing non-design related information about the project, such as vendor part specifications, engineering notes, graphical illustrations, schedules, budgeting spreadsheets, and so forth, provides a collaborative repository for team members who access the project.

There are two methods to upload files to the project's collaboration workspace in the cloud hosted by the Connect application:

  • Drag and drop one or more files from your desktop to the project's Files page in the Connect application.

  • Browse for and select a filename from the Files page in the Connect application.

The Connect application accepts a wide variety of data file formats for storage in folders associated with the project.

Restrictions and Limitations

  • The maximum file storage capacity for non-design related data associated with a project in the cloud is 1GB.


  • You selected a project name and version from the Project > Design page.

  • (Optional) You created one or more folders to contain the uploaded ancillary files.


Use these methods to upload one or more files to a project's collaboration workspace in the cloud:

Drag and drop

File management tool

  1. In the Connect application, go to the project's Files page.

  2. (Optional) Open a folder or create a folder that will receive a copy of the ancillary files you select.

  3. On your machine, open a file management tool and browse to the folder that contains the ancillary files you want to upload.

  4. Select one or more ancillary files, click and drag them to the drop zone in the Files page, and then release the mouse button.
    The software copies the selected files to the project's collaboration workspace hosted by the Connect application.

  5. (Optional) Repeat Steps 3 - 4 to copy additional ancillary files to the project's collaboration workspace.

  1. In the Connect application, go to the project's Files page and select a folder or subfolder name.
    โ€‹Note: If you do not select a folder name, the software defaults to the top level of the Files page.

  2. Click Choose File.

  3. Browse for and select ancillary files to upload to the project's collaboration workspace, and then click Open.
    A copy of the files you select upload to the project version you specified in the Connect application. A message appears when the upload process is complete.

  4. (Optional) Repeat Steps 2 - 3 to upload additional files to the project's collaboration workspace.

If an ancillary file with the same name exists in the same location, do one of the following:

  • Click Cancel to stop the upload process.

  • Click Replace to remove the existing file in the project's folder and then upload the new file.

  • Click Rename and when the Rename File dialog box appears, type a unique file name, and then click Done. The software uploads the ancillary file with the updated filename and preserves the existing file associated with the selected project version..

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