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Connect FAQ
Matt Walsh avatar
Written by Matt Walsh
Updated over a week ago

What is the Connect application?

Connect is a cloud-hosted application that runs in your browser. Connect provides a secure cloud workspace where collaboration is seamlessly facilitated. Connect is a fully integrated element of all Xpedition and PADS Professional hybrid-cloud solutions.

Is there anything I need to install to use Connect?

No. Connect is a cloud-hosted application that runs in your browser. There is no server to install or configure. All you need is a valid hybrid-cloud subscription to Xpedition or PADS Professional. Connect is included in these subscriptions.

What is a collaboration workspace?

Provided with your hybrid-cloud subscription, the Connect collaboration workspace is your secure work area where you create projects and collaborate with internal or external team stakeholders. Only you and the team members you specify have access to your collaboration workspace.

How do I give the rest of my team access to my Connect collaboration workspace?

Once your account is created you will need to open the Xcelerator Admin Console to assign license(s) to your team members. Once the license is assigned, your team member(s) will receive an email invitation providing access to your collaboration workspace.

Collaboration utilizing Connect's collaboration workspace is supported through a well-thought-out process focused on security. Collaboration in Connect is a conscious action that isn’t accomplished by simply sharing a link to design IP. For Connect, collaboration requires an Administrator to explicitly assign a license to an authenticated user, granting a license to access the collaboration workspace. To collaborate on a project, the administrator must then add the authenticated user to a project with a specified “role” (e.g., “Viewer” permission). When the collaboration process is complete, the license can simply be removed by the Administrator, eliminating any ongoing access to the project. There are three pre-defined roles in Connect: Administrator, Editor, and Viewer.

How do I share my design projects with the rest of my team?

Users who have access to your collaboration workspace can be given access to specific projects using the project’s Users tab. Watch this video to see how.

Can users outside of my organization access my Connect projects?

Yes. You can give access to users who are either internal or external to your organization, however, the user must first be given a license from the Admin in Xcelerator Admin Console and then that same user would need to be added to the project.

Can I control user privileges in Connect?

Yes. Connect supports role-based access control (RBAC) at the individual project level. When you add a user to a project you have the option to set the user’s role to Administrator, Editor, or Viewer. Access control is flexible where the same user can be assigned different roles within different projects.

What is the Admin Console?

The Xcelerator Admin Console is a Siemens cloud application that customers use to manage product licensing and configurations. After your cloud account is created, you can use the Admin Console to add new administrators, select your storage region, assign product licenses to users, and more.

Will new features in Connect be made available on your normal VX.2.xx release schedule?

One of the benefits of a cloud-hosted application like Connect is gaining access to new capabilities and features as soon as they are ready. While new feature releases may coincide with the VX release schedule, there may be times when they are delivered on a more frequent basis.

Where is my data stored?

Connect supports collaboration data storage in the following regions:

  • North America

  • Europe

  • Asia Pacific

More regions will be added as they become available

Is my data stored in the cloud secure?

Siemens EDA understands the critical nature of our customer’s data and follows strict policies and processes to keep your data secure. The development processes we follow for our cloud applications are certified by ISO 27001 and SOC2, both benchmark industry standards. Also, for all our cloud applications, we are proactive in scanning for vulnerabilities and conducting penetration tests. These tests are twofold: externally, we attempt to penetrate our systems, validating that only authorized users can gain access; internally, we carry out a configuration analysis to ensure no security gaps exist.

Also, at data in transit to/from the cloud and at rest in the cloud is encrypted. Please visit the Siemens Trust Center to learn more about our commitment to protecting customer data.

Can I purchase additional storage?

Yes. Your cloud account starts with a storage limit of 500GB. Contact your account representative if more storage is required.

Where do I go for help?

There are several ways to get help with Connect. The easiest way is to use the chat interface directly within the Connect application. Once you enter your question into the chat window, a support representative will receive your message and provide you with help. Alternatively, users with a valid Support Center account can file a service request.

Also, in-application, by clicking on 'Help', you have access to tutorials and full Connect technical documentation.

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