Email Notifications

Email notifications that are sent to your publishers.

Updated over a week ago

Every email that is sent out via any functionality in the Swaarm Platform is registered in Notifications.

There are 3 types of emails:

  1. Schedule Change: Emails sent because of a schedule change

  2. Push Request: Emails sent from the Push tool

  3. New User/Contact: Emails sent with a 1-time password for new publisher contacts to access the partner platform.

Fields can be sorted by the notification ID or by creation date.

Finding Notifications

You can use the filter bar by Publisher, Offer or Recipient Email.

Push Tool Request:

The Push tool request type is: Offer for Publishers. This type of notification contains the sender information with the message and the campaign details including click tracking URL and impression tracking URL. If multiple offers were pushed to a publisher, there will receive all of the offers and their details in one email.

Schedule change

All schedule change notifications will also have the type: Offer for Publishers. As you can see below the publisher received an email notification for the campaign being paused.

New Publisher Contact

An email notification is sent out to newly created publisher contacts that are given access to the partner platform. The email type is: User. This email contains their login credentials the Partner Platform. The password given is a 1-time use password that will take the user to a password reset page after logging in.

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