Testing Publisher Postback

How to test the publisher tracking link, create a test conversion, and see if the postback fires properly.

Updated over a week ago


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We recommend you follow these steps to test conversion with a Publisher:

1. Click on Tools > Scan Offer to scan the offer.

2. Fill in the offer information:

Insert the Publisher's Test Tracking Link in the Tracking Link section. Select the Country and OS as per the offer you're testing.

3. Click on Scan and you will notice the click redirection in the URL Chain.

4. Copy the Swaarm's click ID.
​Tip: Swaarm's Click ID always starts with a capital A or Capital B.

5. A- You can replace this Click ID in the advertiser postback which you will find on any of the Advertiser details page:

A sample of the final postback URL with Click Id values would look like this for a Default event conversion:


5. B- For performing a test conversion on a specific event, go to the Event Section on the Offer page. Copy the event postback for the desired event and replace the Click ID in the postback.

A sample of the final postback URL with Click Id values would look like this for a Purchase event conversion:


Next, Run this Postback URL in the browser.

After you're done with these steps you should be able to see this conversion in your conversion reports, along with your publisher who should see this conversion in their dashboard.

You can find your passed postbacks under the Pub. Postback Links columns, which you can check in the Fields list.

Whether you want to test a tracking link, send a test conversion, or fire a postback for your publisher, then watch the video below for a step by step guide on how to do this in Swaarm.


  1. Why doesn't the publisher see the conversion in their dashboard when I can see it in the conversions report?

    1. Please check if the conversion was actually passed to the publisher, the Decision of the conversion should be passed and you should see the passed conversion postback URL under the Publisher Postback Links column. Additionally, you should be able to see what response we received from the publisher server in a column called HTTP Code.

  2. Why doesn't the publisher see the conversion in their dashboard even when the publisher postback was passed?

    • It is possible that there was a delay from the publisher side in this case. You can copy and share the fired postback URL from the conversion report with your publisher and ask them to check it internally.

  3. Why doesn't the Publisher Test URL redirect after I add it in the Scan Tool?

    • You should check if the inserted Platform and Country are correct, and if that doesn't work, you can confirm with your publisher if there are any restrictions or advanced targeting on their side.

  4. The publisher test link is redirecting to the Swaarm Tracking Link, but the Swaarm link is not redirecting to the landing page, why?

    • You should check if the inserted Platform and Country match with the offer's details, and there are no budget restrictions or advanced targeting added for the offer. You can also check the Failed Click Rules for this offer in the Explorer Tool.

  5. Why don't I see the Publisher Click ID in the passed Publisher Postback?

    • You should check the Publisher Postback Macros set up in the postback. If any of the postback macros are not correctly implemented, we don't fire the pub postback URL. Here is an example of the click ID macro for Publisher Postback - #{click.publisher.clickId}. You can check all the Publisher Postback Macros here, please note the hash is a part of the macros and without it, the details would not be passed.

  6. How to test fire a publisher postback for a specific offer event?

    • You can follow the initial steps and then copy the desired event postback from the Events section on offer as defined in Step 5. B. Once this is done the publisher should receive the event information in their respective postback.

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