
How tags work in Swaarm for offers, advertisers, and publishers.

Updated over a week ago


Tags is an effective tool to use when managing multiple offers, advertisers, or publishers. Tags allow you to group together entities either for indicative reasons or to optimize through smart links, automation rules, or workflows.

Below we will cover how to tag Offers, Advertisers, and Publishers and where you can utilize tags with other tools in Swaarm.

Tag Permissions

Before we go over how to tag, you must set up who has permission to create tags. Under settings, you will find the tab Permissions. Here you can set who has access to creating custom tags. Any other user below that role will only have the option of selecting pre-made tags.

Offer Tags

  1. Go to the offer you want to create a tag

  2. Click the edit button in the top right corner

  3. On the bottom right side, you can add your tags separated by a space

  4. Click save and your offer now has specific tags

  5. You can also see tags on the offer details page by clicking the Show More arrows

Managing Offer Tags

You can also manage your offer tags on the Offers Overview page.

  1. Go to the Offers Overview page and click on the tab Tags

  2. You can create and add tags by clicking the + Add Tags button

  3. You can add other offers to existing tags or remove offers from existing tabs by clicking on the + icon next to the tag to see more details

What can I do with tags?

Below we will go over several features that utilize tags to enhance your workflow experience in Swaarm.

Automation Rules

You can filter out what offers you want the automation rule to be affected based on tags. Instead of selecting each offer individually, you can group together the offers you want with tags and then set up an automation rule to take effect on those tagged offers. For example, you have a publisher who wants to run only Fashion campaigns. Tag those offers with Fashion, and set up an automation rule that if the offer has that tag then that publisher will be approved for those offers automatically.

Smart Links

Smart Links has a lot of capabilities with tags. We will keep it simple here, but you can really create some powerful Smart Links using tags. For example: if you have three different Fashion offers running, then you can use the discarded traffic from one of those Fashion offers and send it to the others.

  1. After you have tagged your offers with Fashion you can go over to Smart Links

  2. In the first step, Select Traffic, add a redirection rule, and choose the tag Fashion under Offer Tags. This will choose discarded traffic from those Fashion offers

  3. The next step is to Select Offers, click add offers and then add the filter

  4. Choose the field Offer Tags and choose the tag Fashion for the values. This will ensure that any discarded traffic from one Fashion offer will then be redirected to another Fashion offer

  5. Optional: On the last step Select Fallbacks you can add a landing page that then targets a global Smart Link so that in case none of the traffic from the tagged Fashion offers match with another Fashion offer you can redirect to a broader range of offers

  6. Click Save Smart Link

Advertiser Tags

  1. Go to the advertiser details page you want to tag

  2. Click edit in the top right corner

  3. On the General tab go down to Tags and select/create the tag for this advertiser

  4. Click Save

Similar to how you can manage Offer Tags on the Offers Overview page mentioned above you can do the same with Advertiser Tags on the Advertisers Overview Page:

Publisher Tags

  1. Go to the Publishers Details page you want to tag

  2. Click edit in the top right corner

  3. On the General tab go down to Tags and select/create the tag for this publisher

  4. Click Save

Similar to how you can manage Offer Tags on the Offers Overview page mentioned above you can do the same with Publisher Tags on the Publishers Overview Page:

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