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Managing Establishment Contacts
Updated over 3 months ago

Access: City Regulators

Overview: The basics on adding, managing and searching for establishment contacts.


Adding a New Establishment Contact

Select the ‘Contacts’ tab from the navigation bar. Click the green Add contact button.

Complete the form and select Save.


This will take you to your contact details page.

Custom properties can be added in settings, which is covered in the the knowledge base article Adding Contact Properties.

To link a new or existing establishment to this contact, on the contact details page, navigate to the 'Establishments' section and click Manage establishments.


A menu will open where you can type in the name of an establishment on the system. Once you have selected the relevant establishment(s) for the contact, click Save.


If the establishment does not exist yet, click the blue text to ‘Create a new establishment’. Complete the form with the details of the new establishment and select Save. This will create a new establishment and link it to the current contact.


Adding a Contact to an Establishment

In order to send notifications or inspection reports there must be a contact listed for an establishment.

To add a new contact that is not already on the system, find the establishment's profile, navigate to the 'Contacts' section on the left, and select Manage contacts. Complete the form and click Save. 'Mail subscription' refers to if the contact should receive system notifications. Standard practice is to leave this as ‘Subscribed’ unless specifically requested.


If the contact is already in the system, for example if they own several businesses, they can be associated with more than one establishment. At the bottom of the new contact form, click the blue text ‘Or associate with existing contact’, search for the contact you would like to add, select, and click Save.


Editing an Establishment Contact

First, navigate to the 'Contacts' tab and find the contact you wish to edit from the list. On the contact's details page, click Actions besides the contact's name and select Edit. Save your changes by clicking Save once you're finished.


Subscribing and Unsubscribing a Contact

Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab from your homepage.

Search by contact name and hit Enter, or select them from the list.

On the contact's details page, click Actions besides the contact's name and select Edit.

In the 'Mail subscription' field, click the dropdown menu to choose to subscribe or unsubscribe a contact.

If you subscribe a contact, this means they'll receive any automated notifications as long as there is an email address associated with the contact.

If you unsubscribe a contact, this means they won't receive any further automated notifications.


Save your changes by clicking Save once you're finished.

Searching for an Establishment Contact

Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab from your homepage.

Search by contact name and hit Enter, or select them from the list.

The list of contacts can be sorted by name and date updated at by clicking on the column headings.


Filtering Establishment Contacts

Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab. Click the funnel icon to open the filter menu, where you can filter by name, establishment, phone number, email address, tags, date created, or any custom properties you have.


To filter by a custom property, select Add custom filter > Add filter by custom property.


Select the contact property you wish to filter by from within the modal that pops up.

There are three different filter options for custom property filters:
i) filter contacts by if the selected contact property value is known
ii) filter contacts by if the selected contact property value is unknown
iii) filter contacts that match the inputted value for the selected contact property

Select your option and click the green Add button. You will the see the filter listed at the bottom of the search form. Apply any other filters you wish and then select the blue Apply button.


Exporting Establishment Contacts

Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab. Click Actions and select Export. Select the information you would like to be exported, then click Export. The file will download as a .csv file.


Removing a Contact from an Establishment

When an establishment's contact details change, remove an existing contact by navigating to the 'Contacts' section of an establishment's profile and selecting Manage contacts. Scroll down and click the blue ‘Or associate with existing contact’ text. Simply press the backspace or delete key to remove the now unnecessary contact, and click Save.


Deleting an Establishment Contact from the System

A contact may be deleted from the system by first navigating to the 'Contacts' tab and finding the contact you wish to delete. On the contact's details page, click Actions besides the contact's name and select Delete. You'll be asked to confirm this action, and remember that deleting a contact is final.

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