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Test Kits & Test Kit Calibrations
Test Kits & Test Kit Calibrations

How to add and update a test kit and/or test kit calibrations

Updated over 11 months ago

Access: Service Providers

Overview: Learn how to add and update test kits and their calibrations along with frequently asked questions we receive about them.

Topics: Click the topic to navigate directly to it.

Adding a New Test Kit

A new test kit will need both a Test Kit record added to the system, as well as a calibration record to be a complete record in SwiftComply. Follow the steps for both "Adding a New Test Kit" and "Adding a New Test Kit Calibration" to complete the full workflow.

  1. While logged into SwiftComply, navigate to the Service Providers tab on your left side navigation panel. This will bring you to the list of Service Provider companies you're connected to.

  2. Select the Service Provider Company you'd like to add the test kit documentation to.

  3. Click the Test Kits tab on the slide-out Service Provider window.

  4. Scroll down and select Add Test Kit

  5. Enter the information into the fields. Click here for an explanation of each field.

    Note: Fields notated with an asterisk (*) are required. Any others are optional.

  6. Click the Green Save button.

New Test Kit Fields Guide:




Serial Number

The serial number of your Test Kit. Listed on your Kit as well as your calibration documentation



The brand of your Test Kit. Listed on your Test Kit as well as your calibration documentation



The model number of your Test Kit. Can also be found on the Test Kit as well as the calibration documentation



Allows you to add any notes describing your Test Kit


Assigned To

If only one tester is allowed to use the test kit, you can assign them to it with this field. The tester must already be listed as a user in the system for them to appear in this dropdown



Add any additional notes regarding your Test Kit in this field


Adding a New Test Kit Calibration

Please Note - Before moving forward: In order to add in a Test Kit Calibration, you need at least one up to date tester in SwiftComply, and their user account has to be approved by your city/regulator.

  1. From the Test Kit Tab, click on the test kit that you need to attach a calibration to.

  2. Click the Calibrations tab in the slide-out window.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the Green Add Calibration button.

  4. Enter the calibration data in the appropriate fields. Click here for an explanation of each field.

  5. Click Choose File and attach a picture or a scan of your calibration document.

  6. Click the Green Save button.

  7. You'll notice the status of your new calibration will show Pending in yellow. Your city/regulator will need to review and approve of your test kit before you're able to submit a test report with it.

New Calibration Field Guide




Calibration Date

The date the test kit was calibrated on


Accuracy Test Date

You can ignore this unless your city/org has communicated to you that they need this information.



The approved user that's reporting these calibration results


Test Kit Image

An image or a scan of the calibration document.

File Types Accepted: .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .png


Viewing Your Test Kits and Calibrations

To view the list of Test Kits that are currently associated with your Service Provider Company, follow the steps below.

  1. When logged into SwiftComply, click on the Service Providers tab on your left side navigation panel.

  2. Select the Service Provider Company record you'd like to view.

  3. Click the Test Kits tab. This will display a table with all of the Test Kits that are currently associated with your Service Provider Company. For a breakdown of this table, click here. For a breakdown of the possible Test Kit Statuses, click here.

  4. If you want to view the calibration details of a test kit, click into the Test Kit Record in the table.

  5. Then, click the Calibrations tab. The Calibrations tab will show each calibration associated with the Test Kit as well as their current status. If you'd like to see a breakdown of the Calibration Statuses, click here.

Test Kit Table Overview

From the Test Kit tab, you'll see a quick view of all of the test kits listed with your Service Provider company. Here is a breakdown of what each of these columns are showing.



Assigned To

The backflow tester that is assigned to that particular test kit


The brand of the test kit


The model number of the test kit

Serial Number

The identifying serial number of the test kit


The current status of the test kit/calibration - compliant, expired, etc. Click here for a breakdown of compliance statuses

Test Kit Record Overview

Wondering what the fields in your Test Kit Record mean? Check out this overview for a breakdown.



Serial Number

The identifying serial number of the test kit


The brand of the test kit


The model number of the test kit


Any notes added describing your Test Kit

Assigned To

The test that the Test Kit is assigned to, if any


Any additional notes that were added when the record was created

Owned by Company? (Check box)

This is checked by default and notates the the Service Provider company owns the Test Kit, rather than a specific tester owning it. If you need to change this, reach out to

Calibration Due Date

The expiration date of the calibration record on file. A new calibration will need to be submitted after this date

Test Kit/Calibration Statuses

The compliance status of your test kit tells you if your test kit is ready to go in the system or if there's something that needs to happen in order to use the test kit. Follow this guide to understand your test kit's current compliance status in SwiftComply.

Compliance Status


Action to Take

Green Check/"Valid"

The test kit is up to date and compliant

No action needed. You can use this test kit as is

Red X/"Expired"

The calibration of your test kit has expired and is no longer compliant

Upload a new updated calibration document. Click here for a workflow on how to upload your new documentation

Three Dots (...)

Two Meanings:

1) The calibration status is pending

2) There's no calibration documentation associated with this test kit

1) You've uploaded a calibration and the status is pending. The city/regulator needs to approve it

2) There is no calibration that has been uploaded for this test kit

1) If its been more than 2 business days since you've uploaded your calibration, reach out to your city/regulator and have them take a look at the calibration record

2) Add your calibration to the test kit. Click here for a walkthrough

Deleting a Test Kit

  1. From the Test Kit table, open the Test Kit Record that you'd like to delete.

  2. Click the Green Pencil Icon in the upper right corner of test kit record.

  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom and click the Red Trash Can Icon at the bottom right side of the screen.

  4. Click the Red Remove from Service Provider button to confirm deletion. The test kit will no longer be listed in your test kit table. Note that this can not be undone and if you delete by mistake, you'll need to create a new Test Kit record.

Editing a Test Kit & Deleting a Calibration

If you need to edit information in your Test Kit, or if you'd like to delete an old calibration, please reach out to our support team at Our team would be happy to assist you.

Potential Duplicate Test Kit

When you're adding a new test kit, you may receive a pop up window letting you know that there's potential duplicates in the system. You have a couple of options here:

  1. If you think the record that the system is showing matches the test kit you're attempting to add, select the record it's suggesting, and click Use Selected to connect the record to your Service Provider and avoid the duplicate entry. This can appear if you're using this test kit in another city/orgs SwiftComply account, or if you're using the test kit in another Service Provider account.

  2. If you don't think the suggested record is correct and you want to continue saving the test kit as-is, click Save. This will create the new Test Kit record.

  3. If you want to back out all together and not save any record, click "Close".

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the best workflow for adding a test kit?

  1. Make sure you have at least one Tester that's listed as a user, with an up to date certification, AND has been approved as a user by the city/regulator.

  2. Follow this workflow: Adding a New Test Kit

  3. Then, follow this workflow: Adding a New Calibration

  4. Once your calibration has been added, you'll need to wait for the city/regulator to approve it. Reach out to your city/regulator directly if you have any questions about the status of your calibration.

What's the difference between a Test Kit and a Calibration?

A Test Kit is the physical device that is used to complete the backflow test. The calibration is the documentation stating that the device has been tested, calibrated, and approved to be used in the field. The Calibration record lives within the Test Kit record in SwiftComply. Both of these records are needed in order to submit a backflow test within the portal.

My Calibration Hasn't Been Accepted Yet, What do I do?

No one likes the waiting game, so if it's been longer than 2-3 business days and your calibration is still sitting in a "Pending" status, reach out to your city/regulator directly. They will be able to give you any updates and go in and approve the record(s).

Can I submit a test while waiting for my calibration to be accepted?

If the test kit that's currently pending is the only one you have in the system, you'll need to wait until it's approved before you can submit any tests into the portal.

If you have other test kits that are already approved, you're welcome to submit any tests that apply to those test kits as usual.

Do I have to scan my calibration document?

You do need to upload some sort of image in order to submit your calibration. If you don't have a scanner, no problem, a clear photograph of the calibration documentation will do. Just make sure all of your calibration details are readable in your picture.

If I work with multiple Service Provider companies, do I have to enter my test kit information twice?

If you work with more than one Service Provider, and you use the same Test Kit for both companies, that Test Kit will need to be connected to both Service Provider records.

First, follow the steps of Adding a New Test Kit in one of your Service Provider records.

Then, create a new record in the second Service Provider record and follow the steps for a Duplicate Test Kit and select the Use Selected to connect the Test Kit to both providers.

You'll need to Add the Calibration documentation to each one.

Should I add a new test kit or update an existing one?

As a best practice, if the serial number of your test kit hasn't changed, update the test kit record with the updated calibration information. If it's a completely different test kit, it's best to add the test kit as a new record.

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