How to use tasking

A basic tutorial how to add and manage tasks.

Rebecca McDougall avatar
Written by Rebecca McDougall
Updated over a week ago

You can assign tasks to other collaborators from the Blueprint or directly from an element in the Requirements and Design sections.

To begin, click on the task icon next to the item.

The drawer will open on the right side and will change the icon color to blue.

The drawer can also be opened at any time by clicking on task icon below the gear icon on the right side.

Tasks work similar to comments, but you need to assign the task to someone. You can always assign a task to yourself as a reminder in the future.

When you click on the field below the "Assign task to" you will see the list of all collaborators on the design.

After assigning the task, the icon will also update to indicate the task assignment.

Next to the task, as assigner, you will see the "RESOLVE" and "REMOVE" activities.

When the task is assigned to you, you can resolve the task by clicking on "RESOLVE" button. This option will add small check icon to indicate that the task has been finished.

When a task is created by you, you can delete the task by clicking on "REMOVE" button and then confirming this action.

Anyone can reopen a task. You can do that by clicking on "REOPEN" icon and then confirming this option.

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