As you study, cards progress through levels of mastery. The higher the level, the better you know that card, and the longer the interval between reviews will be.
Cards start at level 1 (the minimum level) and move between levels based on your responses:
Again ⇒ -2 Levels
Wrong ⇒ -1 Level
Right ⇒ +1 Level
Easy ⇒ +2 Levels
At each level, a card is assigned an interval, the time until that card is due again. This table shows the default intervals for each level:
"Again" is a special response. It moves a card down 2 levels, but always assigns the card a 2-minute interval. This ensures you can always see a card again quickly, regardless of its current interval.
There are a few study parameters you can customize:
Starting Intervals - You can set the intervals for Levels 1-3. Every subsequent interval will be a multiple of Level 3.
Multiplier - The multiplier calculates every interval after Level 3. Each subsequent interval is calculated by the equation: New Interval = Previous Level Interval x Multiplier. Adjusting the multiplier value changes how spread out your reviews are.
Response Buttons - This option lets you customize if you’d like to see 2, 3, or 4 response options. Fewer buttons mean less decision-making effort per card. More buttons mean more control over your intervals.
Multiplier Recommendations
1.1 - 1.9
A small multiplier increases the number of cards to study each day but improves your chances of remembering each card. Best for:
Small decks with difficult cards
Cramming for an upcoming exam
Lower Efficiency | Higher Memory Strength
2.0 - 2.9
A medium multiplier balances efficiency with effectiveness. Best for:
Decks with a manageable number of moderately difficult cards
Studying for exams that are 2+ weeks away
Medium Efficiency | Medium Memory Strength
3.0 - 4.0
A large multiplier decreases the number of cards to study each day but increases the chances of forgetting some. Best for:
Large decks with easy cards
Maintaining your knowledge over a long period of time
Higher Efficiency | Lower Memory Strength